EIGCA President Peter Fjallman commented, “We are delighted to welcome another new Industry Partner and we look forward to developing a long relationship with Benedetti-Guelpa. Providing Industry Partners with the opportunity to promote their services and build relationships with our members is a vital part of our objective to bring golf industry representatives closer together to continually improve design and construction standards. Attendance at our annual meeting and other official gatherings also allows our Industry Partners a platform to become involved on a wide range of issues which impact on the way golf will be developed in the future. I look forward to meeting representatives from Benedetti-Guelpa at our AGM in North Berwick later this year. ”
Benedetti-Guelpa prides itself on a long tradition of family values centring on quality and teamwork. With over 600 employees, covering all construction and maintenance disciplines, and more than 350 machines of all sizes and specialties the company strives to bring success to all its projects and to enhance and protect the golf industry’s reputation.
EIGCA www.eigca.org
Benedetti-Guelpa Golf International www.benedetti-guelpa.fr
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