Global Edition

Golf permitted in Tier 4 Areas but conditions apply

9.43am 21st December 2020 - Coronavirus News

The All-Party Parliamentary Group for Golf has confirmed that golf courses can remain open after the new Tier 4 restrictions became effective in parts of England yesterday (Sunday 20th December).

In these areas golf courses can remain open for individuals playing with members of their own household or support bubble, or with one person from another household.

As usual, social distancing is to be observed and all necessary steps are to be taken to ensure a COVID-19 secure environment.

Under Tier 4 restrictions, non-essential retail – including pro shops and golf retailers – must close. Click and collect will, however, be permitted.

Outdoor coaching will be allowed on an individual basis or for multiple members of the same household or support bubble. Indoor coaching will be not be permitted.

Custom fitting can take place outside on a one-to-one basis but is not permitted indoors.

There are exceptions for indoor disability sport, sport for educational purposes, and supervised sport and physical activity for under-18s, which can take place with larger groups mixing.

Some golf ranges can be classified as indoor settings, but it would be for each facility to read and interpret the guidelines against their own venue – it is suggested that if confirmation is required they contact their local authority who will be best placed to advise.

Unless it’s essential for work or other reasons, Tier 4 areas must not be left by occupants or entered by anybody from a Tier 1, 2 or 3 area. Full details of Tier 4 guidance can be found on the Government’s website:

For more information, refer to the England Golf COVID-19 Resource Hub and The PGA COVID-19 Resource Hub will be updated as soon as any new information becomes available.

For detailed info about playing golf in Ireland, Scotland and Wales in addition to England see

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