Earlier this summer, eight amateur golfers took on their greatest physical challenge yet, named Project 24, which involved playing golf for 24 hours straight in the perpetual sunlight and stormy conditions of Norway – all in aid of raising money for The Golf Trust, to provide more disabled individuals with the opportunity to play golf.
The team have surpassed their target of £24,000, with the present total currently exceeding £40,000 and will be using the money to purchase Paragolfers – a specialist vehicle that enables a user the life-changing experience of being able to stand up to play golf.

A Paragolfer user may have neuromuscular and spinal impairments. The challenge name, ‘Project 24’, and 24 hour endeavour served to highlight that 24% of the UK population live with a registered disability.
Led by The Golf Trust and supported by sustainable performance apparel brand Reflo, on June 20, the team set off into severe weather conditions to complete the seemingly impossible task of continuous rounds of golf at one of the most scenic but physically demanding courses in Norway.
For a brief period each year, the midnight sun transforms the infamous Lofoten Links golf course into nothing but light for 24 hours a day. While the sunlit course was bright enough to play on, it represented a significant challenge for them, with disruption to their natural daily cycle.
The team battled mentally and physically as they played the course, with no sleep or breaks, tallying over 50,000 steps each.
Their incredible feat was captured on camera and has been made into a short documentary available on the Reflo YouTube channel. Alongside this, the supporting brand Reflo, has also released a limited edition capsule to coincide with the project, with 50% of its profits going Project 24, providing more disabled individuals with the opportunity to play golf.
Made from 100% recycled materials, and aptly named MIDNIGHT SUN, the collection features uniquely designed Reflo Caps, T-shirts and Hoodies along with bespoke branded golf bag variations in collaboration with sustainable bag manufacturer, MNML. The Midnight Sun capsule is on sale exclusively at Reflo.com.
The design of the Reflo logo is encapsulated within an orange sun, symbolising the 24 hours of sunlight characteristic of the Norwegian summer sky, which often turns a vibrant orange at this time of year. The logo also features subtle clock details, bringing the concept of 24 hours to life. Additionally, the coordinates of the Lofoten Links course are integrated, grounding the design in its specific location .
A limited number of golf bags will be available for purchase, each hand-painted with Project 24 details. These bags will feature the coordinates and the distinctive Reflo sun logo, making them a unique memento of this extraordinary golfing experience.
Rory MacFadyen, co-founder of Reflo and one of the eight participants, said: “While it was a physically demanding project, there was so much to love about this challenge – the spirit of togetherness, the camaraderie, the beautiful location and of course the lasting impact the fundraising will make.
“Golf can be so many things to so many people, it encourages people to be present in the moment, oftenoffering a peaceful escape. Whilst walking the course and swinging the club provides great physical benefits. Golf is often played with mates or in groups, offering the chance to catch up with others and feel part of a community.
“I recognise how important being out on the golf course is for my own development – it’s my version of therapy and I am thrilled to have the opportunity to offer others the chance to benefit from this great sport, just as I have. That’s why it was a no-brainer to join this challenge with wider support from Reflo, to raise funds to provide more individuals with the opportunity to play golf.
He added: “The new Midnight Sun collection reflects the journey we have all embarked on with this challenge. With 50% of the profits going directly to The Golf Trust, Reflo has a unique opportunity to make a positive impact within the golfing community.”
Cae Menai-Davis, the founder of the Golf Trust, and who led Project24, added: “The purpose of Project 24 was to purchase one Paragolfer, but with the interest and momentum we have created by playing golf for 24 hours I am sure we will be able to buy more. Paragolfers change lives for the better. Not just for the people using them, but for the families and friends. The impact that this machine has is literally life changing and we know how much joy and opportunity this money will bring.
We are humbled by the support of so many people throughout this challenge. Rory and his team at Reflo have been incredible. To join us on the trip and help fundraise was one thing, but I never imagined that we would be working on a collection that will help us raise even more money for Project 24. As we completed the 24 hours it might have felt like one door closed, but it was the beginning of something very significant for disabled golf in the UK for which I will be forever grateful.”
Justin Levene, Paragolfer user and trustee of The Golf Trust, added: “I have been incredibly fortunate to have had access to a paragolfer, and have been a user of one for almost 10 years. The cost of equipment in disability sport is prohibitively expensive, and acts as one of the biggest barriers to participation.
“The work of these fundraisers with The Golf Trust enables users to be active and experience sport. The paragolfer, quite literally, gives me a new perspective on life. Not only was I able to view an environment I had only ever seen whilst seated, and move over terrain that is unmanageable in a normal wheelchair, but I was able to hug my girlfriend whilst standing for the first time.
“It truly is a transformative experience, made possible by the tireless dedication and work of Cae Menai-Davis and The Golf Trust. Countless lives have been empowered through the charity and hopefully with the success of the Project 24, even more will benefit.”
To make a donation to Project 24, visit www.justgiving.com/campaign/thegolftrustproject24