This grass roots initiative sponsored by leading equipment manufacturer Prosimmon, which has also received Sportsmatch funding provides one-hour group lessons with a qualified PGA professional coach at several venues in England. Anyone wishing to experience golf for the first time simply needs to phone the relevant number of the venue, book a time and turn up. Golf clubs and balls will be provided. The month long programme ends on 16th September
The golf clubs and professionals who have participated so far have been overwhelmed by the huge response and as Paul Baxter, EGU Secretary adds: “It is very positive that we have attracted so many people to the game already in this initiative, but it is equally important that the EGU can offer a chance to sustain their participation in golf through to golf club membership“
The English Golf Union, the governing body for men’s amateur golf in England has an extensive structure in place that allows people to progress from starting out in the game through to joining a golf club.