The book, which details the golf history of St Andrews, with rare old images of the golf course, people and the town will be up against the likes of veteran authors like Frederick Forsyth in the same category.
Reviews of the book have been universally enthusiastic. Jim Black from The Golf Paper called it a ‘true golfing masterpiece’. Chris Jones, from Golf World said ‘In over 160 years of books being written about St Andrews, this is the most beautiful and informative’. Lewine Mair of Global Golf Post called it ‘stunning’. Geoff Shackelford from Golf Digest said that it was ‘the best of many fine efforts to document the life and times of Tom Morris.’ Peter Crabtree, co-author of the multi-award winning Tom Morris of St Andrews, The Colossus of Golf, said that it was ‘the natural successor to Colossus’. High praise indeed.
Speaking today Roger said, “I am delighted that the book is being so well received and is being considered for this award. It would be great to have a golf heritage book win the People’s Book Prize. I would be truly grateful if friends, golfers and organisations could vote for the book at It is a very simple 2 minute process to vote.”
The team has just brought out a £60 edition, to go along with the previous limited editions. This has sold very well, especially at the signings at bookshops in St Andrews at The Open.
For more information about the book, please go to
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