The world’s largest and most diverse assembly of golf collectibles and golf memorabilia under one roof will be part of the Golf Heritage Society 2021 National Convention at the Monroeville Double Tree Hotel in Western Pennsylvania (10 miles east of Pittsburgh) this weekend.
The GHS Trade Show and Sale will take place Saturday, October 2, from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. The hotel is conveniently located next to the Monroeville Convention Center and Monroeville Mall. It is freeand open to the public.
Learn more about the history of golf through artifacts which “tell the story” of the great players, fantastic golf courses and memorable events that shaped the history of the game. Begin or add to a collection by purchasing that hard-to-find piece of golf memorabilia.
Don’t miss the unique Arnold Palmer collectibles displayed by GHS members in Mr. Palmer’s honor and for your enjoyment. And bring your own golf item for information or to sell.