The early history of Fortrose Golf Society is a previously unrecognised find of 2015. When the Fortrose and Rosemarkie Golf Club was formed in 1888, writes Mike MacDonald – Club Secretary, we had no real knowledge of the much earlier club that had operated in the area almost 100 years before. The sole evidence for its existence is a newspaper notice of the ‘general annual meeting’ to be held at Williamson’s Tavern with dinner at 4pm on Wednesday, 3rd July 1793.
This was published in the Caledonian Mercury on 27 June 1793. The golf club is called the Fortrose Golf Society and the only two officers of the club mentioned are Charles Mackenzie, the President, and Duncan Munro, the ‘Croupier’. No captain is given but the concept of Captain as the key office bearer was not yet an established part of all golf clubs. Fortrose GS is the 15th oldest recorded club in the world.
To recognise this fact we are now selling Pullovers and Golf Shirts with a different style to the normal club logo (pictured). The Golf Pullovers and Shirts are supplied by both Glenmuir and Lyle & Scott with some Pullovers currently on sale in the Golf Shop and for members to view. Orders can be placed directly through myself – secretary@fortrosegolfclub.co.uk – or through the staff in the Golf Shop for both Ladies and Gents. Catalogues containing the different styles of clothing and all of the colours available can be viewed in the Golf Shop.
All of the key facts and information relating to this finding can be viewed from the Home Page of the Club Website – www.fortrosegolfclub.co.uk
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