Ben Allen of HMH said “The diversity of purchasers that are active in this niche sector always gives us great encouragement. Charitable organisations, private high net worth individuals, specialist tax funds, property speculators, private family trusts and existing operators each have their own motivation for acquiring golf businesses, whilst the security offered by a golf’s underlying asset value proves to be a common attraction amongst many purchasers”.
Tom Marriott of HMH added “Nine of the twelve sales that we completed during 2020 were handled on a confidential basis. Our ability to place property on an off market basis is a key attraction for many clients”.

Businesses sold during the last two months of 2020 included Bristol Golf Centre, a proprietary club in the northern sector of the M25, and Tickenham Golf Centre. With a further four clubs currently under offer through HMH, this positive trend seems set to continue.
For an initial confidential discussion on how HMH can help your business, please contact Ben Allen or Tom Marriott:
Ben Allen 07888 80 44 30 ben@hmgolf.com
Tom Marriott 07900 67 20 45 tom@hmhgolf.com