Launched at BTME by Campey Turf Care – the Imants Mini Rotoknife is the ideal tool for groundsmen and greenkeepers looking for an effective aerator that is compact, fast and easy to use. So don’t be deceived – what the new Imants Mini Rotoknife lacks in stature it makes up for in speed and performance.
What you get first and foremost with any Imants product from Campeys is innovative design, quality of build and a back-up service second to none.
This amazing little machine packs a real punch as it moves quickly across the surface. Whether towed or mounted behind a truckster or compact tractor, it applies itself to combating areas of general wear and tear, or areas that need help recovering from excessive use.
This versatile, multi-purpose linear, disc-aerator will relieve surface compaction, improve aeration, reduce thatch build-up and remove surface water, in a single pass.
A disc rotor with 3 settings gives flexibility in working depth and linear spacing, allowing deep-slitting to a depth of 100mm, or shallow slitting at 50mm spacing. It is ideal on warm or cool season grasses.
So the Imants Mini-Rotoknife may be small but will deliver the results!
Campey Turf Care Systems is one of Europe’s largest independent grounds care machinery suppliers. Over the years Campeys have earned a reputation for offering practical advice and superb aftercare service.
The company acts as a new equipment dealer for some of the most respected grounds care machinery manufacturers including Dakota, Imants, Koro, Raycam, Vredo, Omarv, Votex and Air 2G2.
The company also has a thriving used machinery business and a subsidiary company, Tines Direct, which supplies replacement tines, blades and replacement parts for a wide range of turf care machinery.
Campey Turf Care Systems www.campeyturfcare.com