Global Edition

Top 100 course website relaunch

8.11am 8th October 2008 - Media

The Top 100 Golf Courses website has been upgraded with a new look and additional content features. A new advertising capability has also been added but with the promise that it will not be ‘too intrusive’.

Editor Keith Baxter says, “We‘ve gone to a wider screen format and we‘ve also added an RSS feed to our ever-popular course review facility. The latest 50 course reviews can be viewed at the click of a button. We‘ve added an RSS feed to our much-improved Top 100 News Channel. Both RSS feeds are easy to use, informative and completely free of charge.”

“We‘ve added better search functionality. On a constantly available ‘toolbar‘ you can search for golf courses in three easy ways:
1. On “Top 100 Worldwide Search” find courses by continent, country or area,
2. Use “Course Search” to find courses by name, and
3. Use our “Site Search” to search the entire Top 100 website using our own “Google Custom Search” facility.

“We‘ve added more than 300 top courses to the website since our last newsletter. We‘re getting closer to the objective, which is to showcase the world’s greatest courses. We‘re not there yet by any means, but we‘re getting there slowly but surely.

“We‘ve published a new list of the Top 100 Golf Courses of Continental Europe, which was a big undertaking for us. We‘re also close to completing the first complete USA golf course rankings, which will extend to more than 300 top US courses and additionally we‘ve just completed Spain’s first ever Top 100 golf course rankings.”

Top 100 Golf Courses is approved by the International Association of Golf Tour Operators (IAGTO).

Top 100 Golf Courses

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