In the golf section there is an interview with Tony Judge, CEO of the highly successful Clubs to Hire; Retail Tribe’s guide to mastering the short game; and features on the emerging market of Bulgaria and some of the best mountainous golf courses in the world.
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The publication is also the in-house, bespoke magazine (branded on every page) for Caxton FX, Driveline Golf, Clubs to Hire, VPAR and Retail Tribe and is distributed to over 900,000 super targeted subscribers throughout the UK, Ireland, Europe and South Africa.
The reader profile continues to be predominantly ABC1 golfers, 80% male with an annual income of €80 – 100k.
Next month’s edition will include a Ryder Cup/Scotland supplement with features on Skibo Castle, Gleneagles, Salmon fishing and Botanist gin; articles on an awe-inspiring Star Clipper cruise; three boutique hotels in Turkey and a city focus on the intriguing city of Palma, Mallorca.
“We seriously hope you enjoy this issue of Golf Life Travel,” said Managing Director Austyn Hallworth. “Golf Life Travel has now become the fastest growing golf and travel E zine in Europe. For further information on having your own corporate magazine or advertising, please contact me on 01637 874132, 07802 781841 or”