The Brabazon at The Belfry, four-time host of The Ryder Cup, has been voted the top English course by readers of Going for Golf magazine in a recent ‘favourite course’ poll for 2011.
Hundreds of readers, 89% of whom play golf more than once per week and 79% who go on two or more golf holidays each year, voted The Brabazon ahead of other prestigious English courses such as the Old Course at Sunningdale and The Hotchkin at Woodhall Spa.
The Belfry, located within a mile of the M42 Motorway and 10 miles from Birmingham International airport in the heart of England, witnessed over 100,000 rounds last year across three courses and continues to prove easily accessible and popular with regular golfers. Indeed, the Going for Golf readers also chose the four-time Ryder Cup course as their fourth favourite venue in the whole of Europe.
“This ranking highlights not only the world class condition and layout of The Brabazon course, but also how popular The Belfry experience is amongst regular golfers,” said Gary Silcock, Director of Golf at The Belfry. “We ensure all golfers have a first class experience from the moment they enter the resort and practice at the PGA National Academy to the moment when they hole out on the famous 18th and head into our ‘Sam’s Bar & Grill’.
“We’d like to thank all Going for Golf readers who voted for us and hope golfers continue to visit The Belfry to play on one of three top courses we have to offer,” he added.
Commenting on the poll results, managing director of Going for Golf, Sean Grant commented: “The Brabazon has moved up 12 places from our 2010 poll and has become the highest placed English course. We receive many comments from our readers when they are voting and it seems like they are taken by the history and tradition as well as the excellent condition of the course.”
The Belfry www.thebelfry.co.uk
Going for Golf www.goingforgolf.com