Global Edition

‘Scratch MacTee’ prepares to go global

11.42am 21st June 2013 - Media


©Scratch MacTee Productions Ltd
©Scratch MacTee Productions Ltd

Four of the most prodigious Scottish-based business and artistic talents, including writer and comedian Phil Differ, have combined to create a unique and internationally-focused Scottish comic-strip character who is teeing up to take the world of global golf by storm.

©Scratch MacTee Productions Ltd
©Scratch MacTee Productions Ltd

Scratch MacTee, a grousing, grumpy but irresistibly good-hearted golf expert with a caustic Caledonian take on the idiosyncrasies of the ancient game, has just been launched after a long and meticulous period of preparatory groundwork.

He will be featured in major spreads in top international golf publications such as Today’s Golfer last month, Golf Illustrated, with its high net worth demographic, this month and the July issue of Golf Digest South Africa.

Its creators predict that this running start is just the beginning and that Scratch MacTee has the life, character and platform to develop into a major media and merchandising business tapping into the resources of 60 million golfers worldwide and a golf equipment market alone worth £14.7 billion.

The quartet behind comic hero MacTee – whom they say represents a philosophy of life as well as dry, humorous wisdom about the vicissitudes of golf – are an assembly of all the talents with strong track records of international achievement. They include:

Founding partner Stephen said: “The exposure we have gained straight away for this uniquely Scottish comic character is an early indicator of the kind of response we have always expected.

“The team we have put together to present Scratch MacTee – and the importance of Scotland to golf – to the rest of the world has impeccable credentials and they have achieved stunning successes in their own individual fields. Together, they will take Scratch to the top.

“The aim is regular syndicated cartoon script contracts across various global newspaper groups and new media wherever golf is played, merchandising opportunities and then, potentially, an animated cartoon series or a movie.”

Stephen said that the Scratch MacTee team was in discussions with a number of other publications and golf-centric websites. Golf will be the initial focus for the team to establish the character, though Scratch MacTee’s underlying philosophy of moral integrity means that opportunities can be targeted in other sectors.

He said: “As we were developing the character, a senior business person who was advising us said that one option would be to take the concept to Disney and sell it as a package for £10 million.

“But that is not the course we want to take. We want to experience the journey and see Scratch MacTee develop as a symbol for golf and the irreplaceable part that Scotland has in the long history of the game.

“It is all about Scotland, and St Andrews, and all the associations that we as a country have with what is now a worldwide phenomenon. In a few years time, when people think about Scotland and golf, we want them to think about Scratch MacTee.”

Scratch MacTee

Images Scratch MacTee_Jimenez strip.jpg ©Scratch MacTee Productions Ltd

Scratch MacTee_Logo pointing finger.jpg

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