Transform your swing and revolutionise your game with this easy-to-follow golf manual from world-renowned coaches, Steve Gould and D. J. Wilkinson, teachers at London’s renowned Knightsbridge Golf School. Juli Inkster, one of their many famous pupils, has written the Foreward.
With clear illustrations and simple instructions explaining the key points in the final stages of the swing, Finishing School is an essential tool for any golfer looking to improve their game.
There is one part of the golf swing that is almost always overlooked: the movements in the mere nanoseconds before, during and after impact – the Finish. In these moments, the slightest wrong move can wreck a swing, no matter how perfect the other stages might be. It is the most common cause of inconsistency in a player’s game.
Arguably, the first book of its kind, Finishing School focuses on the Finish: what happens just before and after the ball is struck. The Finish is golf’s most neglected fundamental – indeed, most golfers do not even regard it as a fundamental. They could not be more wrong.
With step-by-step detailed illustration throughout, and supported by additional videos available online, Finishing School is based on over 65 years of collected coaching experience from the world-famous Knightsbridge Golf School in London.
“I believe that Finishing School will prove to be a great help to all struggling golfers, who have never realised how crucial building a sound post-impact arc is to building a consistent, repeatable golf swing,” states Juli Inkster in her foreword.
Steve Gould and D. J. Wilkinson are the authors of the highly successful golf books ‘The Golf Delusion’ and ‘Golf’s Golden Rule’. They have been teaching pupils at the world-renowned Knightsbridge Golf School (@KGSGolf) in London for more than 25 years, and have improved the swings of thousands of amateurs as well as leading golf pros and celebrities, from Juli Inkster to Hugh Grant, Sean Connery to Telly Savalas. They were both taught by the legendary golf instructor Leslie King, founder of the Knightsbridge Golf School. Many of their pupils have won amateur and professional titles.
Published by Elliott & Thompson £25.00 hardback
Knightsbridge Golf School