Global Edition

‘Golf Management Europe’ Reader Survey

11.16am 28th June 2013 - Media

Michael Lenihan
Michael Lenihan

Publisher of Golf Management Europe magazine, Michael Lenihan, is asking readers of both and GME for a few minutes of their time in order to complete a very brief survey which he hopes will help shape the future development of the title.

“At GME, we have always valued feedback – both positive and critical – and as we will soon be embarking on the 17th year of Golf Management Europe, I felt the time was right to get some feedback from the industry as to what readers want from a pan-European business-to-business magazine,” said Lenihan. “Since GME was launched back in September 1997, we have always strived to produce a magazine full of interesting and informative industry news and views, and your comments about both GME as well as the wider industry in general, will be of invaluable importance to us as we plan ahead.”

Aside from questions regarding GME, Lenihan also wants to gauge the general mood of the industry as clubs start to plan ahead for 2014.

“I’ve added a couple questions specific to the golf industry in general, and not GME, and it will be interesting to evaluate the response within the industry,” he added. “I’ve tried to keep the survey as short as possible, and three minutes of your time is more than enough to complete everything.”

The survey has been supported by Points4Golf – the flexible points-based membership scheme – and all golf clubs that complete the survey will be entered into a free prize draw with the chance to win a full system worth an estimated £3,500. Closing date for entries is 31st August 2013.

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