The solution is the new ‘GCA @ Work’ application, created by golf agency Hiseman Limited for all who find it too time-intensive to update a website in the normal way. And GCA members can now put business messages on their Association’s website in less time than it takes to boil a kettle.
Using the new tool, GCA members can update in seconds, simply by tapping a few keys on their iPhone or Blackberry.
The website home page is instantly updated with a short message, which enables those with access to advertise what they are doing at any point in time.
Dubbed “the busy person’s blog”, the Twitter-style application was developed specifically for, but the GCA now intends to offer it to the golf industry as a product for sale to the wider world.
“We wanted something with the speed and convenience of Twitter,” said the Golf Consultants Association’s Andy Hiseman, whose firm developed the new app, “but which our members could use purely as a business tool.
“Putting a Twitter feed onto your website is simple these days, but most Tweets are nothing to do with work, and inappropriate for a company website. We felt we needed something which was more commercial. So we developed this bespoke little tool, which our Members can now use at lightning speed.”
The GCA @ Work tool uses WordPress, the world’s most popular free blog software programme, to transmit a message of no more than 12 words to the website home page. Each GCA Member has a personal access code which is saved on a smart phone, giving instant access to the website.
“GCA members can now update our website in less than 60 seconds, from anywhere in the world. I think we’re going to find it very useful,” said the GCA’s Ian Bulleid.
For all information contact Andy Hiseman on +44 (0)1780 757461, or email
Golf Consultants Association