The book, entitled ‘MULLIGAN – tough love and second chances’, which was written by Master PGA Professional Tony Bennett and experienced golf journalist Ben Evans, reveals the highs and lows of disability, illness, love, and second chances: how hope, courage and the opportunity to feel well and express yourself through golf makes for a combination that can improve, and even save lives.

The book features the stories of 18 players from 16 different countries, most of whom have fought back from personal trauma and found, thanks to golf and their fellow golfers.
The stories of Aleš starting life in a hospital waste basket, Caroline telling her surgeon, “When you take my leg, you are going to give me life,” and Shlomo taking his girls to the beach, dragging himself to the water’s edge. There is Stewart, battling back after serving in Afghanistan, Lucas loving what golf offers after being shot eight times in the back, and Monique fulfilling her ambition to win gold medals through talent and hard work.
The players feature different impairments – leg amputation, single-arm players, wheelchair golfers, stroke survivors, PTSD sufferers and more, all ‘Golfers First’ who refuse to be defined by disability.
MULLIGAN is issued with a unique ‘Give and Gift’ option, which ensures that hospitals, rehabilitation centres and organisations who care for people with disability have free access to the stirring words found in the book.
For every donation of €25 or more, a book will be donated to a hospital, rehabilitation/medical centre, or organisation concerned with golf for the disabled. As a token of our appreciation, we will Gift another book to you to keep and enjoy.
For more information or to donate, visit, email or call +44 (0) 800 8611675.