The winners of the 2016 Awards were announced following a rigorous inspection of 27 golf clubs across the UK by

STRI’s team of experts.
These awards are all about celebrating golf’s environmental standing. Demonstrating to the wider community that an appropriately managed golf course benefits people and wildlife in so many different ways.
The winners of the Golf Environment Awards for 2016 are:
- Environmental Golf Course of the Year – Pyecombe Golf Club, Surrey
- Conservation Greenkeeper of the Year – Anthony Darker, Elsham Golf Club, North Lincolnshire
- Outstanding Environmental Project of the Year – Richmond Golf Club, North Yorkshire

Each award winner showcased their commitment to sustainability and best practice, presenting a clear understanding of current and future environmental projects across the golf course. Each entry for the awards was independently judged on demonstrable environmental achievements and outcomes.
Bob Taylor, STRI’s Ecology & Environment Manager, said: “The standard this year was incredible, as always, and highlights the considerable contribution golf courses deliver to their natural surroundings. Each of this year’s winners showed innovation, using the knowledge they had learned over the years to nurture the land for ecology and wildlife. It is important to recognise that the winning clubs all simply utilised the resources that they already had, working together as a team for change, creating new habitats and enhancing existing. Environment and ecology issues continue to be a major factor for golf as they not only enhance landscapes but directly influence the quality and overall playing experience of golf courses.

“This year’s winners were chosen for showing a remarkable level of commitment and energy in delivering high quality courses, whilst working to successfully improve their local environment. All of our finalists are showcasing excellence and best practice in the management of sustainable land management and show that, regardless of money or club size, anyone and everyone has the ability to make a difference.”
The three winners each receive the trip of a lifetime to Europe and the chance to visit some of the world’s leading golf facilities and sites of specific ecological interest.
STRI facilitate the Golf Environment Awards but this would not be possible without the long standing and loyal commitment of the sponsors. STRI is indebted to Ransomes Jacobsen, Syngenta, Weidenmann, Tillers Turf and Farmura Aquatrols. The awards also depend upon the help and support of media sponsors Greenkeeping Magazine and BIGGA.
For further information about the golf environment awards please contact Sophie Vukelic on 01274 565131 or at sophie.vukelic@stri.co.uk “If you and your club are undertaking work to conserve wildlife or improve your golfing landscape then we at STRI need to know about you,” says Sophie
STRI Golf Environment Awards http://golfenvironmentawards.com/