And as part of this work to get everything ready, many of those companies have also signed up to play their part in making this the greenest and most sustainable Ryder Cup yet.
The effort is part of the ‘Green Drive’, an initiative to integrate nature conservation, resource efficiency and community engagement across the staging and legacies of the event.
Edward Kitson, Director with Ryder Cup Europe is delighted by the response: “Many of our valued suppliers and contractors took up the Ryder Cup Sustainable Procurement Policy to ensure that as many products and services bring an ethical and environmental component – lightening the event’s footprint and bringing a greater positive impact to Scotland’s green economy.”
Leading companies ‘driving the green’ at Gleneagles, and activities carried out include:
- Agrekko – providing best in class temporary power generators; supplying 20% biofuel; running voltage optimization equipment and ‘power down’ plan.
- William Tracey and Spectrum – the combined cleaning and waste contractors, committed to delivering the event’s Zero Waste to Landfill target and helping promote the Green Drive to spectators at the recycling points.
- Stagecoach – efficient park and ride system to reduce overall spectator road miles and emissions; up to 30% biofuel in Ryder Cup buses; Carbon Trust verifies 18% reduction in carbon emissions over last 5 years.
- Morrisons Construction / Galliford Try – responsible and resource efficient construction of the two new park and ride bus terminals using only aggregates, sands and soils found on site; provision of staff to support and oversee Green Drive.
- Arena Group – reuse of tents, timber, fixtures and fittings across multiple events; all timber FSC Certified; all waste recycling, including woodchip for biomass heating system at company’s main warehouse.
- Compass – award winning catering company that has eliminated 4,500 tonnes of CO2 from delivery system in last 12 months; customized materials and recycling plan and sourcing local, seasonal, certified and organic produce for Ryder Cup.
- Fabulous Feasts/ Mecco – 100% biodegradable packaging; returnable and reusable plastic containers resulting in zero cardboard waste; any waste produce collected by local farmers to feed livestock. All food is fully traceable, appropriately certified and locally sourced as possible.
- Toro – installation of state of the art irrigation system for golf course, complete with latest soil moisture sensors and energy efficient pumps; reduction in water consumption on PGA Centenary course of 18% per annum.
- Portacabin – providing Ryder Cup with temporary building structures before and during the tournament. The structures are designed for minimal maintenance and all materials are sourced from within the EU with all wood being FSC certified.
Golf Environment Organization