Key speakers will include Nigel Symes of the RSPB, co-author of Birds and golf courses: a guide to habitat management, jointly published by the RSPB and R&A.
The programme is to be packed with practical opportunities for course managers, their staff and club secretaries to gain insights into the benefits that conservation can provide to golfers and the wider environment.
The day will focus on four key conservation areas specific to golf courses: woodland, water, rough and waste management. Workshops will be lead by the turf industries leading technical experts including a representative of the Environment Agency to discuss management of water habitats and the implications of pesticides in relation to the Water Framework Directive. Nigel Symes from the RSPB will discuss Woodland management for golf and conservation, Nigel will be focusing on ‘Giving Nature a Home on golf courses. These occupy twice as much of Britain than RSPB reserves – so the scale of opportunity is really high’.
John Handley, Technical Manager at Maxwell Amenity, to lead a workshop discussing monitoring and surveillance of roughs on golf courses. Kim Blake, the Course Manager at Fulford Heath Golf Club is to lead a workshop discussing waste minimization and compost manufacture.
This event is also being supported by several organisations including the Wildlife Trust, pulling together a wide array of conservation organisations providing course managers with access to experts within a setting that applies ecological principles to the highest of standards.
There will be a guided tour of Enville Golf Club by Course Manager Jonathan Wood looking at the benefits the club members have derived from being part of the Higher Level Agri-environment Stewardship Scheme.
The Pitchcare Conservation Day has been developed by Lynsey Gale, Peter Britton, Laurence Gale and John Handley. The team has extensive experience within ecology and the conservation sector.
For more information contact Technical Manager John Handley. Tel: 01902 440250 Email: