The next in the popular series of ‘Profit From Golf’ Roadshows, staged by The Golf Consultants Association, will now take place at Surrey Downs GC on Tuesday 17 November 2009.
Golf retail, rates reviews, planning and the latest UK golf cub performance statistics are some of the big issues which will be discussed with, as always, a focus on making profit from golf. And a new format will give delegates more time to air their views on the most crucial issues facing golf club operators in today’s golf business.
The half-day golf industry networking events, which are held in association with long-term supporters Ransomes Jacobsen E-Z-GO, are now in their third year, and always attract a lively audience.
The November 2009 Roadshow will follow a revised format. The ‘State Of The Industry’ update from Sports Marketing Surveys – always a highlight of ‘Profit From Golf’ Roadshows – will now be the event’s final presentation, and will lead into an extended open debate where all delegates will get to air their views on the current state of the golf business in the UK.
An industry statistics overview has been the traditional starter for GCA events, but delegates found that the exchange of views which followed, while always stimulating, generally ended too soon in order to make room for the day’s other speakers.
The new format also allows more focus on the day’s other presentations, which always cover a variety of key current issues facing the industry.
On 17 November proceedings will start by asking the question: “Is it possible to be a successful golf retailer in the current market?”. A presentation and open debate will follow.
Golf property expert Mark Smith will talk about rates reviews, and will give advice on how clubs can appeal – which in some cases can save thousands followed by Richard Oakley from Bidwells, who will tackle another hot industry topic – Planning, and how to exploit opportunities in the market with your current assets.
All presentations will be followed by an open debate from the floor, and delegates are encouraged to air their own views on the theme of the day – making a profit from golf – as frankly as possible.
The Roadshows have proved a highly successful innovation for the Golf Consultants Association ( since their introduction as regular industry events in May 2007.
“GCA Roadshows are designed to spark passionate debate about the big issues facing the golf industry,” said GCA Chairman Ian Bulleid. “They are excellent networking opportunities.
“We think that our revised format will be more attractive to UK golf club operators and suppliers who want to meet and share experiences with other delegates from the industry. It also gives everyone more of a chance to discuss what’s important right now, and to get practical advice which they can take back and apply to their own business that very afternoon.”
Anyone from the golf industry can attend the event, which costs just £40 including VAT (the price includes lunch). The GCA ‘Profit From Golf’ Roadshow lasts half a day (registration is 09:00 – 09:30), reducing the time delegates need to spend away from their businesses.
To book a place at the Surrey Downs event on 17 November please contact Jane Montgomery at the Golf Consultants Association on 02476 414999 x210, or email
Surrey Downs GC