Global Edition

Grow the Game of Golf website gets a new logo

12.12am 25th November 2011 - Management Topics

The ‘Grow the Game of Golf’ website is in full swing and hitting the headlines around the world! The website is being promoted by the eight leading European partners.

The popularity of the website brought about a creation of a logo for the website to identify with. The logo is universally themed to promote the game and especially designed so it looks/communicates a global message.

New initiatives

The ‘Grow the Game of Golf’ website has gone through a makeover in the last couple of months. The header looks more vibrant with various colours which translate the feeling of fun & entertainment.

These are some of the new initiatives listed on the website:

Statistics updated on website

In addition, there is a comprehensive updated range of 2011 graphics and statistics, which illustrate player numbers and relative growth in a variety of countries, as well as testimonials from leading European golf organisations and key industry players.

“Growth of golf in Europe was slowing in 2010 but there has been a drastic dip to -2.40% in 2011. These drastic statistics should give us a reason to implement new changes in our approach towards getting more players into the game,” says Tarav Badhwar – Grow the Game Project Leader, EGCOA –

“The ‘grow the game of GOLF’ website will be promoted at the European Golf Business Conference starting November 30 in Marbella, Spain, which will be a great opportunity for everyone visiting the conference to get first-hand information about the much hyped website,” Tarav concluded.

European Golf Course Owners Association



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