Global Edition

Golf Questionnaire returns already exceed 2006 figure

8.08am 2nd June 2008 - Management Topics

The English Golf Union (EGU) and English Women’s Golf Association (EWGA) have received responses from almost 50% of golf clubs following the distribution of their biennial Golf Club Membership Questionnaire.

The EGU and EWGA are delighted with the number of clubs who have completed the questionnaire, a figure that is well over those who participated last time. The questionnaire enables the organisations to build up a picture of junior and adult membership within golf clubs in England and measure the effect of development initiatives.

An incentive for golf clubs to return the questionnaire early had a positive effect with the following six clubs receiving some great prizes. Peterborough Milton Golf Club will be receiving a laptop PC, Eaton Golf Club (Norwich) a Fourball on the Hotchkin Course at the National Golf Centre, Woodhall Spa, and Honiton Golf Club, Cannock Park Golf Club, Brickendon Grange Golf Club and Minehead & West Somerset Golf Club all winning a £300 grant for junior and/or beginner coaching.

Golf clubs that have not yet returned their completed survey still have time to do so, with the final deadline date for responses being 30th June. The EGU and EWGA Development Team will be contacting clubs that have not yet returned their survey over the coming weeks as the results provide vital information to identify where resources are best focused for the future.

The 2008 Questionnaire can be completed online at where clubs can view the responses they provided in 2006 enabling them to identify their own membership trends. Alternatively a copy of the questionnaire can be sent via post by contacting the EGU and EWGA Development Team on 01526 354500.

English Golf Union
English Women’s Golf Association

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