Global Edition

Free on-line access to EU data

9.00am 21st June 2005 - Management Topics

Golf Europa – – is a new, free information resource that gives insight into European Union policies that impact the golf industry. This site is published by Golf Europa Limited, a consulting firm that specialises in EU affairs and economic development.
European Union legislation increasingly impacts every aspect of the golf industry. New laws govern how employees work, machinery, chemicals, noise, pollution of air and water and housekeeping of the maintenance area. Grant aid from EU regional funds is financing the development of new golf courses across Europe.
According to Steve Pope, editor and director of Golf Europa, “New EU laws relevant to golf are still being adopted, regardless of the current high-profile arguments on the EU constitution and budget”. is designed to be useful for:

Steve has worked in European Union affairs for over 20 years, both as an EU official and as a lobbyist, and is a full member of the UK Institution of Economic Development and a graduate member of the European Institute of Golf Course Architects.
Golf Europa

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