Global Edition

EGU County Liaison meetings

8.00am 5th October 2009 - Management Topics - This story was updated on Thursday, October 14th, 2010

The English Golf Union Ltd. (EGU) is holding 34 club liaison meetings (1 per county) between 1st October and 8 December 2009. The subject matter to be covered at these meetings comprises a mix of legislative issues, initiatives to fund and support clubs, and current projects being rolled out to affiliated clubs.

“In order that your club may be fully briefed, and be in a position to react and benefit from the initiatives accordingly, it would be highly beneficial for one, or preferably two, club officials to attend a County Meeting,” says John Petrie, Chief Executive, English Golf Union Ltd. “Your club’s feedback and views are fundamental to the EGU Board ensuring the correct activities and initiatives are put in place that reflect the requirements of our affiliated clubs.”

Whilst the venues are set geographically to mirror our county union structure, we are very happy for officials to attend the venue that is the easiest for them to access.

The programme begins with the Dorset meeting on 6th October. Virtually all meetings begin at 18.00 with registration from 17.15.

The agenda includes a progress report on merger between EGU and EWGA, the future funding of golf, EGU Golf Central and Tee Time booking launch and the workings of the EGU Central Database of Handicaps. The meetings conclude with an open forum.

All the dates, venues and timings appear on along with details of how to register.

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