There have been several recent thefts from golf club locker rooms and some extremely good CCTV and still pictures of the perpetrators of these break-ins will be shown. GBN understands that at least 40 clubs across the country have been affected so far with the thieves, despite selling the stolen items at ridiculously low prices, still obtaining proceeds in excess of £110,000.
Secretaries and Managers are being asked not only to watch the programme themselves but also to encourage their staff and members to watch as well. This will be the best chance to recognise the culprits and bring them to justice.
Clubs from Devon up to Cumbria and the north east England have been involved. The perpetrators’ accents have been described as from Liverpool in one instance and the Midlands in another; the more clubs that are involved the better the chances of positive identifications being made.
The Lancashire police will have eight officers manning the telephones in the call centre and there will be an update from 10.45 – 11.00 to report any progress.