“In itself, it is a monumental undertaking,” the statement continues. “The findings of this extensive three-month on-line market research is epiphanic in the data and trends that it has unearthed.”
The report offers the golf industry a first-time peek at golfers in Southeast Asia insofar as their demographics and psychographics are concerned.
“Never before has any sector of the golf industry in this region or for that matter in the world, had such an intimate insight to who the Southeast Asian golfer is,” says a spokesperson for Asia Pacific Golf Group. “Now, with Asian Golf Profiles, this is all possible. Just imagine, 45 revealing data fields of information that is vitally essential to effectively market to golfers in Southeast Asia.”
Some key findings are:
- Annual Income – Over 48% have annual incomes in excess of US$100,000 and of this, more than 13% earn more than US$200,000 and above.
- Home Ownership – Over 84% own their own homes (bungalows, semi-detached, terraced and condominiums).
- Super Car Ownership – Porsche is the super car of choice with over 58% ownership.
Asian Golf Profiles will be introduced to the golf industry during a soft launch exercise at the 2015 Asia Pacific Golf Summit on 14-15 October. It will go on sale after 31st October and will be available from www.cmaa-asia.com
Registration to attend APGS 2015 is open until 10th October.
APGS 2015 www.golfconference.org
Asia Pacific Golf Group www.asiapacificgolfgroup.com
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