The UK Golf Federation is giving its full support to the 2021 Women’s Golf Day on June 1, and is encouraging all of its members and affiliates to promote the worldwide campaign to encourage more women to play golf.
UK Golf Federation CEO Doug Poole said: “Since 2016 over 900 locations in 68 countries have engaged, empowered, and supported women and girls playing golf around the globe by hosting a Women’s Golf Day event and to-date the UK have lagged behind the rest of the world, with only very few golf clubs promoting this amazing opportunity to engage the women who wish to try golf.
“All members of the UK Golf Federation can receive a special discount on joining the campaign, the costs of supporting are down to each golf clubs’ ideas and thoughts on how and what they wish to do the support. WGD is a really relaxed and social way to communicate with the wider community outside of our golf clubs and reach new potential women golfer and spread the news that golf is a game for all. To get behind and support WGD we need to think “global and act local” and to become part of this worldwide event.”
Free Entry for UKGF Members is available as a host of a WGD event on June 1, 2021 and use code UKGF21 and receive complimentary registration. If you’re not a member go to and join today to receive the benefit of free entry.