Global Edition

The R&A Foundation benefits from new donor funding to support global programmes

11.14am 17th June 2024 - Growing the Game

A number of golf-related programmes around the world are to benefit from The R&A Foundation’s support thanks to donations generated by a global philanthropy programme.

Since 2023, donors have been invited to support The R&A Foundation and increase the funding reinvested by The R&A into the sport through proceeds from The Open.

This is providing more opportunities for individuals and communities worldwide to benefit from golf across five broad themes of accessibility, sustainability, health, heritage and talent.  

Since the start of this new phase, donors have pledged more than £6.3 million and £2 million has so far been realised.

Supporters include Rolex, The Arnold & Winnie Palmer Foundation, AIG and an international group of individual donors.

More than £700,000 in unrestricted donations – funds which can be used for any purpose in line with The R&A Foundation’s charitable objectives – is now being allocated to a range of programmes that will transform lives and communities through golf.

The R&A Foundation has supported the donation of a Paragolfer to Woburn Golf Club

Phil Anderton, Chief Development Officer at The R&A, said, “Thanks to additional funds raised through our global philanthropy programme, The R&A Foundation is able to substantially increase its support for individuals and communities worldwide through golf.

“Using unrestricted donations, we have the flexibility to support a wide range of important projects around the world across our five themes. This demonstrates the positive impact the philanthropy programme has had in only its first year of fundraising and the generosity of our donors.”

Beneficiaries include The Royal and Ancient Golf Club Scholarship, a new award which is designed to identify, support and develop the next generation of golf’s leaders.

Projects at Golf It! in Glasgow and The R&A World Golf Museum in St Andrews are also being supported, as well as greenkeeping initiatives and the international roll-out of a Community Golf Instructor programme.

Allocation of 2023 R&A Foundation unrestricted funding:






For further information and to support The R&A Foundation, visit

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