Global Edition

PlayMoreGolf partners with mental health charity Talk Club

11.25am 14th June 2024 - Growing the Game - This story was updated on Thursday, June 20th, 2024

PlayMoreGolf, the UK’s largest points-based golf membership platform, has teamed up with national mental health charity, Talk Club, as an official charity partner for National PlayMoreGolf Week.

Taking place during the week commencing August 5, the week’s purpose is to encourage players of any standard, age, and gender, to get out and play golf in any form.

Whether you are a long-standing club member, hitting 50 balls at your local range, playing mini golf with your kids, or having a casual round with friends at any of the UK’s thousands of golf courses, the aim of National PlayMoreGolf Week is to ‘Play More, Talk More, Feel Better’.

Alastair Sinclair, CEO of PlayMoreGolf, said: “We are incredibly excited to be partnering with Talk Club for National PlayMoreGolf Week, an event that is centred around the marrying of both physical and mental fitness. We want to encourage golfers of all abilities to get out there and play more, but also to talk more.

“The importance of mental fitness can’t be understated, and sport is a fantastic vehicle in which to look after and improve it, as well as staying physically fit. National PlayMoreGolf Week is all about participation, getting out in some fresh air, playing golf in any form, and having a catch-up with friends, family, colleagues, whoever it may be.”

Founded in March 2019, Talk Club, has grown from a small group of men in the back of a Bristol pub, to a national mental fitness movement of over 3500 men, in over 100 groups around the UK.  The mantra of Talk Club is to get men to ask “How are you? Out of 10?”, in a bid to strike deeper conversations, by giving men simple tools to reflect on how they’re feeling, and why.

Talk Club facilitates hundreds of events every year, including Talk & Listen Groups, a peer-to-peer talking group run by their volunteers, known as Captains, and Talk & Exercise, that includes some form of physical activity, such as Talk & Football or Talk & Walk. Talk & Golf is the latest format to be launched with the support of Rushmere Golf Club in Ipswich, Suffolk.

Statistics show that suicide is the biggest killer of men under 49, and in the UK, approximately three-quarters of all suicides are male. However, according to the Mental Health Foundation, regular participation in sport has shown huge potential in helping to improve both physical and mental wellbeing, alleviate stress and anxiety, and improve self-esteem.

Over the course of the week, PlayMoreGolf will be asking all participants to submit their stories, photos, videos, experiences across social media, using the hashtag #NPMGW & #PlayMoreScoreBetter with the best entry winning a once-in-a-lifetime prize, including an overnight stay for four (two x twin occupancy rooms), dinner bed & breakfast with a fourball at The Grove, and a new Motocaddy M1 electric trolley and Pro-Series bag. Along with other fantastic prizes from Under Armour, Payntr Golf, and The Shire Golf Club, to name but a few.

Ben Akers, CO-CEO & Co-Founder of Talk Club, said; “At Talk Club we have always positioned ourselves to be where men are, and lots of men play or are interested in golf. So this is a great opportunity to connect with them, but also equip them to look after themselves. We hope this is the start of great things to come.”

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