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Norfolk golfer, 94, Sets Club Membership Guinness World Record

11.24am 7th June 2016 - Growing the GameManagement Topics - This story was updated on Monday, June 13th, 2016

Geoffrey Crosskill is pictured at Eaton Golf Club (Image Archant/EDP)
Geoffrey Crosskill is pictured at Eaton Golf Club (Image Archant/EDP)

Norfolk golfer Geoffrey Crosskill has just set a new Guinness World Record as the longest serving golf club member. Geoffrey, who is 94, joined Eaton Golf Club, Norwich, in 1934 and had been a member continuously for 82 years and 18 days when his record was certified.

He’s delighted by the recognition but laughs: “I had nothing to do with it! My granddaughter did it all to surprise me.”

Geoffrey became a club member when he was 12, enrolled by his father, Alec, who was a club captain, and his first annual subscription was a guinea (£1.05p). But what’s kept him there all those years? “I love Eaton,” he said. “I love it as a club, it’s very friendly and I really have enjoyed my time there.”

He plays nine-holes three times a week and added: “It’s helped me a lot health-wise. Without it I don’t think I would be here, I think it has kept me very fit.”

Geoffrey has had five holes in one during his golfing career, won a number of top club competitions and once had a handicap of nine, which has now crept up to 16.

England Golf advocates the benefits of golf club membership and Richard Flint, the Participation and Club Support Director, said: “This is great news and we’re delighted to congratulate Geoffrey and wish him many more years of membership at Eaton.

“We work hard to promote club membership and all it offers and it’s wonderful to hear of someone who has enjoyed the friendship and fitness benefits for so long.”

Eaton Club Manager Peter Johns remarked: “Even the outbreak of World War 2 and a heart attack didn’t keep Geoffrey from his beloved Eaton Golf Club for long.

“We are very proud to have Geoffrey as a member, he is a perfect gentleman who regularly pops into the office to let me know how his round went and to find out what’s going on at the club. He and his regular golfing companion, Donald Ray, are usually finishing their nine holes at about 8.45am!”

Geoffrey isn’t the oldest regular golfer at Eaton. That honour goes to Harry Moorhouse, who will be 99 on the 7 July – but who has been a member for a mere 44 years!

Eaton Golf Club

England Golf

Geoffrey Crosskill is pictured at Eaton Golf Club (Image Archant/EDP)
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