Huxley Golf are supplying practice and training products to the Hampshire Golf Partnership for them to use as part of their county- wide “Hampshire Golf Partnership Roadshows” aimed at introducing non-players to the sport.
Huxley Golf will be providing Rotanet practice nets and portable Huxley Putting Greens, as used by some of the world’s top golfers, to help show visitors just how accessible and enjoyable the game can be.
Hampshire Golf Partnership Roadshows will be visiting community events across Hampshire throughout the summer, with coaching and fun games provided by local professional coaches.
Beverly Huke, Development Officer for Hampshire Golf Partnership, says: “Golf really is open for everyone. Visitors to Hampshire Golf Partnership Roadshows will see that golf brings people together, that it’s a sport whole families can enjoy together and you don’t need to spend all day on a course to play. It’s great to see people picking up a club and realising just how much fun it is!”
“The Huxley practice nets and greens are great for helping amateur golfers find and increase their skills, and are very easy for all our coaches to set up and use at events.”
Paul Huxley, Managing Director of Huxley Golf says “Huxley Golf is delighted to be able to support this excellent initiative. We hope our equipment will help encourage more people to take up and enjoy golf and perhaps inspire the next generation of amateur and professional golf champions.”
Hampshire Golf Partnership www.hantsgolfpartnership.co.uk
Huxley golfing training aids www.huxleygolf.co.uk