Research carried out on behalf of Golf Access has shown that their forward-tee concept and unique reward-based scoring system, is enabling golf clubs all over the world to attract new players and help them to make the sometimes difficult transition into membership.
The research also shows that this exciting new scheme works equally well whatever the age or gender of the player, including the introduction of 1,200 golfers to the game over during 2019.
The research, which was conducted with Golf Clubs in the UK, Ireland and Australia, reports that a staggering 51% of all Golf Access participants had moved on to Golf Club membership. So, it’s no surprise that 100% of the respondents, who were made up of Golf Managers, PGA Professionals and Junior Organisers, were happy to recommend the programme.
The Golf Access system is designed to create progression by offering 9 different scoring levels for new golfers to work through. Golf Access takes a new player from their first experience on the golf course, to reaching a standard of play ready to obtain a handicap. Once a participant achieves the required band-score or better, they are rewarded with a wristband or poker chip ball marker of the respective colour and can then move on to the next level. The ultimate goal is to help players move seamlessly from Golf Access into becoming members of a golf club.

With the worldwide handicap system on the horizon, Golf Access creators, Simon Wood and Kris Robertson are receiving an increasing number of new enquiries from PGA Professionals, Junior Organisers and golf clubs who want to ensure that they are ready and able to help new players retain their interest in the game.
Simon Wood explains: “We are delighted with the survey results and this research proves what we already firmly believed. Every golf venue would benefit from using Golf Access. It provides continuity for learners, celebrates their milestones and provides a pathway to long-term participation in the sport. What was great to learn is that we have a system that works for golf, not just for a specific type of golfer or a particular type of venue.”
The key findings of the research, which was carried out over a three month period by Gareth Shaw of Medi8 Golf, include:
- Golf Access is particularly effective in the recruitment and retention of juniors, but it is also an effective tool for converting new adult golfers into members
- Golf Access has had a significant impact at every club, with 100% reporting that they would recommend the programme
- 51% of all participants went on to club membership
China Fleet Golf Club has been using the Golf Access system since May 2019. As well as attracting new players to the venue, the club have converted 9 juniors and 4 adults into full time members and seen more families taking up the game.
Ben Waters, Golf Manager at China Fleet Golf Club, explains: “The Golf Access programme is a great way of getting the whole family introduced to the game of golf, and with China Fleet Country Club always looking to encourage family activities this is a perfect way to get everyone involved. From my experience as a junior golfer and now working in the industry I believe people want to experience the real thing so getting them out onto the golf course is a great way to keep people enthusiastic and returning every session.
” Golf Access is a ready-made structure to promote and reward progression from complete beginner, right the way up to completing the programme and joining as a club member. Introducing more people into the game of golf resulting in more active members of the club is one of my main aims as Golf Manager at China Fleet and Golf Access would fit in with any golf club wanting to get more people into the game.”