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American Golf supports golfing trailblazers with ‘Game Changers’ campaign

1.15pm 10th June 2024 - Growing the GameSponsorship & Events

American Golf, the UK’s leading golf retailer, is celebrating a new generation of golfing trailblazers who are opening up the game to a diverse range of new players.

Committed to driving inclusivity, these are the fearless fairway pioneers who are challenging preconceptions of what a typical golfer is.

American Golf has dubbed them The Game Changers and is using the power of its platform to amplify their voices and tell their incredible stories of overcoming adversity and prejudice.

To celebrate the launch of the campaign, the retailer is now offering 10% all package sets online to encourage beginners to get into golf by using the code ‘GAMECHANGERS10′ on qualifying products.

Among the astonishing individuals who are united by an unrelenting commitment to drive participation, diversity and inclusivity in the sport is Mandi Large – the UK’s leading blind golfer.

Her mental health nose-dived, when at the age of 50, she began to go blind. But, astonishingly, within two years she was crowned the Blind British Open champion and credits the sport with transforming her wellbeing, admitting: “I enjoy sports more now than I ever did prior to losing my sight.”

Ray Nyabola experienced at first-hand the casual prejudice that ethnic minority golfers can face on the fairway. It came when he was competing at a pro-am tournament. Waiting outside the clubhouse he was approached by an individual who asked him whether he had finished his shift after assuming he was staff.

It’s among the reasons Ray established the organisation Black British Golfers, which seeks to to increase golf participation rates within overlooked and underrepresented communities.

He says: “Having an industry conversation allows us to open up the game even more and I think create an even better proposition and product out there.

“We know the game is almost as perfect as it gets. So then, if it’s not the game it must be the culture.”

Bringing a pro perspective to the activity is Andrew ‘Beef’ Johnson who exemplifies the power of golf to transform lives – rising from a working class background to the highest levels of the game. Alongside Andrew is right leg and right arm amputee golfer George Blackshaw who has represented England Golf in the Disability Nations Cup.

The retailer will be showcasing the Game Changers with compelling content across social channels as well as offering help, advice and support to them.

American Golf will also offer exclusive discounts on ladies clothing and footwear to Ladies Golf Lounge, the UK’s largest ladies golf group founded by Yvonne Brook who host regular events to bring the community together, whatever their experience.

Scott Taylor, Marketing and CRM Director at American Golf said: “As golf continues to evolve we’re seeing a whole new generation of players take to the nation’s fairways. As the game’s leading retailer we’re determined to do what we can to accelerate this change and open up the game to the widest audience possible.

“Our Game Changers exemplify this spirit and we’re delighted to partner with them to help amplify their voices and share their inspirational stories far and wide.”

American Golf’s Game Changers activity includes:

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