Global Edition

Harrogate Week News Round-up

3.15pm 16th February 2007 - Exhibitions & Conferences

Attendance at the BTME/ClubHouse exhibition in Harrogate last month might have been expected to suffer due to the absence of many major manufacturers of turf care machinery, who had decided to take up a presence only in alternate years.

In fact visitor numbers were well up to the usual standard and a total of 6,653 people attended the three days of the combined BTME and ClubHouse Shows. Many exhibitors said that the absence of the ‘big boys’ had been positively beneficial as far as they were concerned because trade visitors had had more time to make new connections.

Here we briefly review the presentations from selected exhibitors who are listed in alphabetical order.

MJ Abbott; Barenbrug; Bernhard and Company; BMS (Europe) Ltd; British Seed Houses; Campey Turf Care Systems; Club Car; DLF Trifolium/Johnsons Sport & Amenity; Dunweedin; Fairway Credit; Floratine; Gizmow; Headland; KOREC; Magna Carta Smart Golf System; Normandy Sports (CMC) Limited; OnCourse Management Software; On Course Air Pressure Shoe Cleaner; Optimize Golf; Parsaver; R&A Turfgrass Climate Map; Range Servant; Scotts; Syngenta; Techneat Engineering; Tillers Turf; Top Green and Rigby Taylor; Toro Irrigation; TurfWorks; Vitax; Wiedenmann; Yamaha

MJ Abbott Concludes a Busy Year
Completing a busy autumn programme on projects of all sizes, this specialist contractor has proved its versatility and reliability at golf clubs throughout the country. “After 40 years experience in the industry we have a proven track record,” says Nigel Wyatt, contracts director. “Clubs really appreciate the high standards of cleanliness we work to on site, which we achieve by using our own professional teams and purpose-built machinery and equipment.”

With drought now a key issue, the company was selected to undertake vital irrigation improvements at Hanbury Manor in Hertfordshire – with the installation of water transfer pipework from lakes to reservoirs, together with flow meters and submersible pumps in wet wells. Drainage to three fairways was also dramatically improved and efficiently fed into the water storage areas, helping to increase self-sufficiency.

Reconstruction of 21 greenside bunkers was completed, achieving the club’s objective of re-establishing the original bunker shaping. This was the company’s second project at Hanbury Manor, following work to improve the drainage of the bunkers last year. And for efficient use of water, a comprehensive irrigation system and weather station was also installed in phases.

At Burstwick Golf Club in Hull the company returned for a further project to construct new nine-holes, creating an 18-hole course. Highly flexible, the company carried out the work in two phases, in-line with the club’s requirements.

Recently completed contracts also include Stoneham Golf Club in Southampton, where reconstruction work took place on a large greenside bunker on the 16th, a short par 3 hole. Beyond repair, this bunker had a very steep, eroded face, which since reconstruction work is far more maintainable and offers better playability.

At the Royal Automobile Club at Epsom, famous for its golf courses and classic car collection, the company was selected to address a safety issue by deterring players from stepping too close to the site boundary. Re-construction work took place on the tee complex and landing area of the 5th hole on the par 71 Coronation Course, to ensure wayward balls do not leave the property.

Barenbrug reveals grass mixtures for climate change
Barenbrug launched two new grass seed mixtures containing its unique Rhizomatous Tall Fescue (RTF). BAR 10 with RTF and BAR 30 with RTF have both been designed to provide greenkeepers and groundsmen with mixtures capable of withstanding the toughest weather conditions – from drought to waterlogging – with unrivalled recovery and superior wear tolerance.

Also new are two chewings fescues Barbirdie and Barswing. Barbirdie performs well under close mowing regimes, and offers consistently green colour all year round. Barswing, which is suitable for greens, tees and fairways, germinates well under cool soil temperatures and has superb shoot density. It also has outstanding resistance to a variety of diseases such as dollar spot and red thread.

The company will also be revealing the latest results of trials which are testing cultivars for minimum, maximum and optimum temperature germination. With increasingly unpredictable climate, Barenbrug is playing a leading role in developing cultivars which germinate in cooler temperatures – to extend the renovation window – and others for warmer temperatures which can help with re-instatement following combined heat and drought damage.

BTME was the venue for the launch of Barenbrug’s new BAR range Sports & Amenity Grass Seed Catalogue for 2007. As well as being a comprehensive guide to the company’s wide range of products, it is packed with useful information. This includes a new ‘global solutions’ section, which addresses the issue of climate change and the trials and research Barenbrug is carrying out to develop products for these requirements.
There are also new technical sections which cover subjects such as mixture selection for golf and sports, and results from Barenbrug’s comprehensive trials programmes.

Express Control from Bernhard and Company
Renowned for their ease and simplicity, Express Dual and Anglemaster grinders from Bernhard and Company have been upgraded and are now offered with membrane key panels.

The innovative panels are manufactured to the highest standards including colour-coded machine function and a straightforward, modern design keeping operator ease of use and safety at the forefront.

Comprising of safer, low voltage technology the control panels have bright LED’s to indicate switch and motor status.

On the Anglemaster, digital indication of grind angles allows for an easy comparison between the current angle of the bottom blade and the desired angle to the ground.

Bernhard and Company are a long established horticultural and manufacturing business whose origins date back to 1856 and are the original manufacturers of spin grinding machines. By using the Express Dual and Anglemaster, greenkeepers around the world are able to achieve consistent high quality playing surfaces and improved turf health.

BMS (Europe) Ltd
BMS is the UK’s & Europe’s largest manufacturer and supplier of turf care tools, golf course accessories and signage and claims to be unique because 70% of their products are designed and manufactured in the UK. BMS consistently achieves a high standard using only the best quality materials available and works with other key manufactures of well known brands.

From St. Andrews to the Algarve many products like the flags, tee markers and signage are customised to show customers’ brand or logo. Recently a deluxe embroidered flag & bib was produced for St. Andrews. Specifically the BMS Flag range has been completely overhauled, enhanced and upgraded with new materials to offer the best in the business for 2007.

Hundreds of customers include the Belfry and the 2006 British Masters, Wentworth, the 2006 Open Championship at the Royal Liverpool (Hoylake), DeVere Golf Resorts and the Crown Sports Group to name a few. BMS understands its market and offers the best yet competitively priced products.

British Seed Houses
For outstanding greens which don’t cost the earth, British Seed Houses introduced its new Level Par velvet bent grass blend at Harrogate Week 2007.

Level Par is a unique blend of Avalon and new Vesper velvet bent grasses and is suitable for use on both soil-based and USGA greens. Avalon is renowned for its shoot density, fine leaf and superb wear tolerance and has been used successfully in the UK since 1997. Vesper is an exciting new addition to the STRI seed listings. It has the highest recorded score for shoot density (10.3), a very fine leaf and a dark, year-round colour.

Velvet bents are the clear winner in the quest for sustainable golf. They have the lowest nutrient requirement of any commercial bent grass species, maintaining growth and colour even in low fertility conditions. Reducing inputs means greenkeepers can save money and help the environment without compromising the quality of their greens. End-users are also noting that velvet bents are showing resistance to nematodes, an increasing problem affecting creeping bent grasses.

Level Par produces a dense sward, requires minimal watering and is suitable for lower or more traditional maintenance regimes. Because it’s a blend, the risk associated with sowing just a monoculture of bent grass is reduced.

Gordon Tamblyn, head greenkeeper at Mullion Golf Club in Cornwall has achieved superb results with Avalon in the past three years. He came across it in the BSPB/STRI seed listings booklet and, impressed by its rating for leaf fineness and wear tolerance, contacted BSH and first trialled it on high-wear walk-on, walk-off areas. They thickened up so well that decided to apply it to all his greens at the coastal 18-hole course last year. “It has been fantastic”, he enthused. “It doesn’t dry out, it doesn’t need much water and it doesn’t need much feed. I think some people are afraid of using velvet bents because of thatch, but I’ve maintained my regular regime of aeration, scarification, topdressing and a monthly application of seaweed and recent soil samples showed that I have no thatch at all.”

“The grass is really fine and produces a lovely thick sward and my greens are firm and flat. I only cut it down to 6.5mm and still achieve stimpmeter readings of 8-9 in the winter. In summer I’m in to double figures. I sow Avalon alone in the summer and with a pure fescue in the autumn but this year I’ll be using Level Par instead. Since I’ve been using velvet bent I’ve had many compliments about the greens from our club members. With Vesper achieving even higher ratings than Avalon, I’m looking forward to our greens looking better than ever in 2007.”

British Seed Houses’ 2007 seed catalogues are now available to download from its amenity website at

Campey Turf Care Systems
Campey set new benchmarks for quality turf maintenance equipment, with exciting new products.

The new Dakota D606 Soil Mover/Box Scraper enables a perfectly level finish to be achieved on surfaces such as tees. Weighing 750kg and 1.8m wide, it has a capacity of 1.5 cu m and can be powered by tractors of 30hp-60hp. Featuring very heavy-duty construction, the height of the blades can be adjusted quickly and precisely. Options include laser controls to ensure that precise levels are constantly achieved.

Also new on the stand is the Vredo super-compact overseeder. Available in widths of 0.8m, 1.2m and 1.6m, their space-saving design and innovative operating principle give small dimensions and a lightweight footprint at a seeding width of 35mm. Specially shaped cutter discs make sharp, V-shaped slots with minimal ground disturbance.

After the seed has been dispensed, a roller presses the slit down to give ideal conditions for germination. The Vredo super-compact overseeders are available in both towed and 3-point tractor linkage versions.

Campey Turf Care will also promote the versatile TurfWorks International Fine Turf Greens Maintenance System, which will be displayed on a veteran Jacobsen 622 mower. Nine modular cassettes are available for key maintenance tasks and all attachments can be fitted in seconds and adjusted without the use of tools. The cassettes fit on to the cutting reels of popular brands of greens triples and lightweight fairway mowers.

Other products in the Campey Turf Care stable include the Koro Field Topmaker and Recycling Dresser for quick and economical rejuvenation of turf.

The Dakota Turf Tenders simplify application of materials like top-dressings and attach to tractors or utility vehicles. The 412 and 414 models have an electronic control box for total accuracy.

The comprehensive line-up of Raycam rubber dragmats from Campey has sizes and configurations to meet all turf professionals’ needs. A new, 20mm wide version is twice the thickness of the existing mats and is offered in bigger sizes, making it ideal for large-scale treatment of football pitches, outfields and other grass expanses.

Also new is a ‘Tool Carrier’ turf aeration machine from Sweden, which can be towed or fitted to a tractor’s 3-point linkage. This implement can be used for regular turf maintenance of golf courses and sports pitches.

Club Car
BTME is always an important date in the Club Car diary and 2007 is no exception. Club Car will be showing their award winning Precedent golf car range as well as the very latest CarryAll utility vehicles, all of which were used at the 2006 Ryder Cup at the K Club. Visitors to the stand can also learn about Club Car’s new heavy-duty electric system, IQ Plus, taking the company’s electric vehicles’ performance capabilities to the next level.

Other improvements with the IQ Plus system, which has been implemented on all Turf, Villager and CarryAll models, include increased range and battery power & duration. The IQ Plus high-output charger, controller, on-board computer and eight volt battery system charges faster than other systems, so it can run up to 80 miles on a single charge as well as providing superior power.

DLF Trifolium/Johnsons Sport & Amenity
There has been a real mixture revolution in the Johnson’s range for 2007. Using a combination of experience and technical trials from DLF Trifolium Ltd, we have radically re-formulated several of the blends. Most people design mixtures with a general application in mind, where they are not sure of the soil types, use and management a mixture will receive. The blends therefore have to be a compromise and able to adapt to the many variables. Not so for Johnson’s.

The majority of the seed we sell in the Johnson’s range is for the renovation of quality sports turf, so the key motivators when re-designing the blends are speed of establishment, performance and visual quality. The new mixtures make the most of the significant improvements made in turf grass breeding over the last 5 years. In addition the exceptional Turfguard seed coating is applied to all Johnson’s mixtures.

Kim Wilde’s perfect pitch for greenkeepers
The pop star has been singing the praises of traditional rubber crumb technology that reinforces and cushions ground surface on golf courses. Kim has teamed up with Dunweedin’ a company that produces the original rubber crumb that is applied to grass to create reinforcement.

Bob Jones, Director of Dunweedin’, said, “Kim is passionate about caring for the environment and we are delighted that she has taken such a keen interest in Dunweedin’. She has been amazed by the potential of rubber crumb – from the invaluable use on golf courses and sports grounds…to simply in a well-used family garden.”

Dunweedin’ is available in different grades to suit all ground conditions – from problem patches to heavy-wear areas. Its patented rootzone application is already popular among greenkeepers and the crumb is used extensively on greens and lawns throughout the UK.

Bob added, “Dunweedin’ helps prevent soil compaction and improves drainage and aeration, reviving turf-life and creating greener grass. It also promotes vigorous growth within the rootzone creating a reinforced root structure capable of withstanding very heavy use. The rubberfibre crumb is itself very durable and will remain on and in the turf for many seasons. It is therefore not only a far superior product, but cost effective.”

The patent protected product has been developed over many years and has been the subject of a great deal of research carried out by leading Universities and Sports Institutes.

Fairway Credit interfaced with Club Systems
Fairway Credit launched an interface with Club Systems International Limited’s specialist software, CLUB2000®, designed for the golf club industry. This integration, which is due to be rolled out in the first quarter of 2007, will revolutionise the Fairway Credit facility and greatly ease the fee collection process for golf clubs.

The Fairway Credit / CLUB2000® interface is a huge leap forward in terms of an integrated package. All transactions, from initial sign-up of a member who wishes to pay their subscriptions via Fairway Credit, to continuing to pay for membership can be performed via a secure internet connection. One of the main benefits to the Club is that the Membership Programme can automatically allocate the monies received from Fairway Credit through to each member’s individual record at the Club, saving the secretary time and work.

Richard Peabody, Operations Director at Club Systems International Ltd, comments, “We are delighted with this new partnership. Fairway Credit and Club Systems International have been providing first class support to UK and Irish golf clubs for many years; this new CLUB2000® software integration brings together the undisputed market leaders in both fields. It can only be beneficial for golf.”

Fairway Credit already provides golf clubs with an online facility to view all their statements and management information. Gina Topping, Fairway Credit Product Manager, Premium Credit Ltd, concurs, “I believe the FairwayCredit / CLUB2000® interface will be a major leap forward for all concerned in creating a fully automated fee collection facility for golf clubs.”
The interface is currently being piloted in the North West region. For more information visit: and

Revolutionary Penetrant Aims to Trouble Shoot
Floratine introduce their extremely effective soil penetrant PERVADE in pelleted form, specifically designed for spot treatment on undulating greens, bunkers, slopes or any difficult to reach areas prone to water logging.

PERVADE-MAX comes in the form of a large pellet, perfectly proportioned to fit standard spray guns. Hand watering via a hosepipe with spray applicator attached, dissolves the penetrant’s active ingredients, which are then aimed directly at the trouble spot.

PERVADE-MAX carries the same proprietary formulation as Pervade, ensuring quick, long lasting moisture penetration, but unlike traditional alcohol and soap based wetting agents, no risk of scorch even in hot weather. Again, unlike alcohol and soap based products, PERVADE – MAX is 100% biodegradable.

Gizmow – the zero-turn with a steering wheel
This was the first BTME showing of the Gizmow Formua, the only commercial zero-turn mower with a steering wheel; making it easy to drive as a car but with all the productivity advantages of a stick-steer zero-turn.
“Since its introduction at IOG Saltex 2006 we have been very pleased with customer response,” said Chris Gibson, Managing Director, Parts Depot UK. “The new Gizmow Formula provides a genuine solution for end-users unwilling to operate stick-steer zero-turns but who still want the higher productivity and manoeuvrability. The Gizmow Formula comes standard with a rear discharge mower deck and offers exceptional hillside performance for cutting banks and hilly areas such as golf course semi-rough.”

Headland Confident of New, Super Concentrated Spray Indicator
Headland are so confident that their new, non-toxic spray indicator SUPER SIGNAL BLUE is more concentrated than others on the market that they suggest turf managers test it for themselves.

“Field trials during the product assessment period showed that the inclusion rate for SUPER SIGNAL BLUE could be significantly reduced compared with that of existing pattern indicators,” says Headland’s Technical Director, Mark Hunt. “We’re suggesting that the first time people use it, they try it at the same inclusion rate as their normal product to gauge for themselves just how concentrated SUPER SIGNAL BLUE’S formulation actually is.”

As well as providing visual evidence of the whereabouts of spray applications, thereby eliminating waste due to overlap, SUPER SIGNAL BLUE indicates drift, and potential nozzle blocking – an important factor with the increasing use of shrouded booms. This money saving new product dissipates with sunlight or moisture and will not permanently stain vegetation, soil or human skin.

For further information on Super Signal Blue, contact Headland on Tel: 01223 597834 or visit their website at:

Debut for Fastmap Greenkeeper Software
KOREC’s ground breaking PC software, FastMap GreenKeeper allows users to take ownership of their golf course data and visually manage its assets and infrastructure.

As part of the package, KOREC undertakes a full survey of the user’s golf course, capturing all standard features including tees, greens, fairways, bunkers, aprons, semi-rough and lakes. Each of these features is automatically linked to a database record in which a set of attributes associated with the feature is stored together with any additional notes or pictures. The end result is a single source of information that can be used to produce reports and printouts for all aspects of Golf Course management.

Once up and running, the system has limitless applications. Information can be accessed simply by clicking on a point on the map display and reports can be easily generated from the database. Functions include the option to create view and edit collected data as well as carry out distance measurements including:- golf hole length; calculate area measurements for precise application of fertilizer and pesticide; print plans or 18 hole pin position sheets; display defect lists on the on screen map or print off as a ‘to do’ list.

It has been designed to work seamlessly with Trimble GPS, which allows the user to survey additional data on the golf course (e.g. Drains and Irrigation Pipes etc), which is synchronised and displayed in FastMap Greenkeeper. All data in FastMap Greenkeeper can taken out on the course using Trimble GPS and can be relocated if required (i.e. to find the buried drain or position the new Bunker).

Developed to bring benefits to golf clubs of any size, FastMap GreenKeeper has been designed to manage the day-to-day problems that many golf clubs face. KOREC’s Golf Course Analyst Ian Phythian explains, “ After 15 years working in golf course management and construction around Europe, I was aware of a set of common problems that were hampering the smooth and efficient running of many golf clubs. Golf clubs are often run by committee who serve for a limited period and there is little continuation of historical records from one committee term to the next. Additionally communication can be a problem between the different individuals employed by the golf club from secretary and course manager to greenkeeper and golf pro. FastMap GreenKeeper and the reports and maps generated from it, will provide a common working template for all those involved in the club’s management and a source of information invaluable to those involved in the future.”

Magna Carta Smart Golf System
The Magna Carta Smart Golf System from Mechshop provides golfers with a card which can be used throughout the golf club. Payments for green fees, range balls, locker hire, vending machine purchases, food and drinks can all be charged to the card not only providing a convenient cashless facility for the golfer but also an ability for management to obtain a complete summary of members and guest transactions and thus an insight into their behaviour and preferences.

Normandy Sports (CMC) Limited
Making their Harrogate Show debut were Normandy Sports (CMC) Limited distributors of a comprehensive range of high quality golf gifts and accessories with the emphasis on producing items carrying customer logo and unique personalization. Already stocked by the pro shops at many leading golf resorts, this merchandise was much admired by golf owners and retailers seeing it for the first time.

BIGGA Supports New Course Management Software
Golf course management software OnCourse, developed by Swedish company SYSteam Epani and endorsed by BIGGA, was re-launched with some new features during Harrogate Week.

The programme enables Course Managers to budget and track expenses; prepare personnel records and time sheets; record equipment and property maintenance records; stock control; list details of suppliers; write reports and keep a diary.

OnCourse was first launched in the UK seven years ago but since then several improvements have been added, including new improved user interface, which simplifies navigation around the software offering opportunities to link to websites and a unique web marketing enabling users to advertise second hand machinery between OnCourse golf clubs.

“Ultimately OnCourse saves you time and money and with record keeping and a detailed paper trail so important to the modern Course Manager we feel we offer and easy-to-use comprehensive solution,” explained Daniel Henningsson of SYSteam Epani.

“We are delighted to receive the endorsement of BIGGA and we hope that the Association members benefit from OnCourse,” he added.

OnCourse package costs £2,000 for a multi-user 12 month license with full training and aftercare, however there is a three year payment plan option which helps reduce the costs. For further information contact BIGGA Sales Manager Rosie Hancher or Fliss Chaffer Tel: 01347 833800 email: or

On Course Air Pressure Shoe Cleaner
On Course successfully launched their ‘super silent’ air pressure shoe cleaner at Harrogate.

Available in single or twin models, with or without the addition of a trolley tray.
Customers were amazed at the quietness of the cleaner, and loved the design that incorporates the compressor in the centre of the design, allowing 2 people to comfortably use the cleaner at any one time.

Meeting all Health and Safety requirements, all models are available in an aluminium finish, or can be powder coated and sign written to the client’s requirements.
All models are available with the option of a 15 or 24 litre compressor tank
On Course also offer the flexibility of building to your own bespoke design, incorporating one of our own compressors or to link with an existing compressor unit on site.

Priced from £1500.00, they are proving extremely popular, and several orders were taken at the show. Further information, from Alwena Beresford on 01939 236500

Range of integrated products from Optimize Golf
Optimize Golf produce a range of integrated products that assist courses in improving the management and marketing of their most valuable asset: the course. All the products emanate from a single source of information gathered using a highly accurate aerial survey. “Our process is far superior to current methods of GPS ground surveying as we can capture much more detail in less time, this making it far more economical,” said marketing manager Joanne Hooper. “A major benefit of the integration of the products means that they are all produced to the same exceptional standard and set-up costs can be shared across all products.” The products include course guides, pin position cards, hand held GPS, high quality books and pictures, a hole by hole tour for the golf club’s website as well as programmes for use by management and greens staff.
The Optimize ‘Shotmiser’ costs £339. This includes a Mio P350 handheld device with full PDA functionality and synchronization with Microsoft Outlook. Fifteen courses are available now with nine more in development.

Golf Course Conservation and Management Guides
Parsaver, the supplier of yardage books and course information literature, have teamed up with STRI’s Ecological and Environmental Services for Golf to offer golf clubs throughout the world a unique and exciting opportunity.

Every golf course has the potential to support a diverse range of wildlife species and habitats, which enrich the playing experience for any golfer. Often these go unnoticed by players however they will be recognised on a more subliminal level. Highlighting the ecological assets of the course and the conservation measures the club undertakes to preserve them is an excellent method of ensuring that visitors and members maximise their enjoyment of a round of golf.

R&A Golf Course Committee issue Turfgrass Climate Map
The R&A Golf Course Committee has launched a worldwide climate map, to provide guidance on grass species selection. The climate map can be viewed at The R&A’s best practice website,

The interactive map shows the parts of the world where warm or cool season grasses are most appropriate and defines the Transition Zone where neither warm nor cool season species grow to their optimum potential.

The grasses used to establish a course often dictate its future sustainability and through time, with the correct management practices, grass composition can be influenced towards a mix of the more sustainable species. The map, which is linked to text describing the turfgrass species in detail, will help course developers, architects, turf managers and facility managers make an informed choice of the most sustainable grasses for their situation.

It has been developed in conjunction with Maplecroft, specialists in interactive mapping of complex environmental, social, economic and political issues.

Robert Webb, Chairman of The R&A Golf Course Committee, said, “We have made many improvements and enhancements to our best practice website since it was launched nearly three years ago, but this particular feature is particularly noteworthy. Everyone concerned with the development and management of the golf course will now be able to access information that will help in meeting our target of making courses more sustainable. This is a big step forward, and we are delighted with the work done by Maplecroft.”

Range Servant’s Automatic Teeing Machine
The Range Servant Tee Up with feeder has proven to speed up the hitting rate among golfers between 25%-50% as they can stay focused on their game.

The Tee Up is stand alone unit with a 150 ball hopper with automatic dispensing and where the tee height is easily adjustable up to 60mm. By placing a Tee Up on your range you are able to attract more golfers to spend more and at the same time making our range more attractive.

Range Servant Tee up is easy to install at existing ranges requiring only a power outlet. The Tee Up is also available in a flush mount where the stance mat is placed in the round, with this feature the Tee Up can help people with disabilities to play their game. It is available both as a single left and right handed unit or as a double unit. Range Servant UK Ltd 01296 631925

Scotts unveils latest hi-tech solutions
Scotts launched three new, high-tech turf products that deliver optimum nourishment, protection against stress, and ensure a beautiful-looking sward all year round.

Sierraform GT – This new product range is the most powerful and well-balanced fertilizer available for golf greens. It contains both slow-release nitrogen and slow-release potassium, which create a unique dual effect. Because nitrogen is delivered slowly, there are no growth spurts after application and the plant matures more evenly. The potassium ensures a stronger plant which is more resilient to external stresses such as cold, heat, drought and wear.

Sierraform GT comes in small, uniform granules which are easy to spread and disperse quickly into the soil. Each granule has exactly the same quantity and combination of nutrients, which means even growth and beautiful colour.

EfFect – A new iron liquid containing seaweed that uses Scotts’ slow-release technology to ensure a gradual release for up to eight weeks. It also gives an almost immediate effect of greening the turf while hardening the sward to help withstand stress.

Greenmaster Organic – Scotts is introducing this range to meet the increasing demand for fertilizers which use natural products. It is composed of a mix of organic and natural ingredients guaranteed free from disease, weeds or other contamination. This granular fertilizer provides the grass plant with essential nutrients and stimulates soil microorganisms in one treatment. There are three products to choose from; high nitrogen and high potassium for fine turf, and Sportsmaster Oranic, a high nitrogen version for sports outfields.

For the first time Scotts also showed a range of renowned grass seed varieties from Turf-Seed Inc, and Tee 2 Green, of the USA. These include the specialist bentgrass Penn A and Penn G ranges, and the salt tolerant creeping red fescue Seabreeze GT, while making its first appearance at BTME the SierrablenPlus range of longer-lasting fertilizers uses innovative coating technology to ensure an improved grass green-up and a longer-lasting effect of at least three months.

New chemistry from Syngenta delivers triple action
Banner MAXX is a new fast-acting, broad spectrum, systemic fungicide from Syngenta that uses unique chemistry to deliver exceptional control of Anthracnose, Dollar Spot and Brown Patch in turf. The active ingredient in Banner MAXX is propiconazole, which acts in three ways, by protecting the turf, eradicating the disease, and curing any damage caused.

Trials of Banner MAXX have also shown good activity on Fusarium. A submission for Fusarium control is currently with the Pesticides Safety Directorate and Syngenta is hoping for an approval sometime in 2007.

Plant uptake of Banner MAXX is fast and it gets to work quickly to protect the turf as it grows. It enters through the leaf crown and stem and prevents fungal cell growth by inhibiting sterol biosynthesis.

Prior to its introduction into the UK, Banner MAXX went through extensive independent research and user trials. These trials have shown excellent results in curing and eradicating diseases at the early stages of infection.

Banner MAXX user trials took place during 2006 throughout the UK, with the aim of comparing treated and untreated turf over a period of one to five weeks. West Hill Golf Club course manager, Ian Morrison, applied the Banner MAXX trial to his greens at 3.2 litres per hectare in October. “The weather was mild during application and perfect conditions for Fusarium. Banner MAXX not only cured the problem very quickly but gave us extremely good protection through the next four weeks.”

Another satisfied user was Kings Hill Golf Club course manager Duncan Kelso, who applied the Banner MAXX trial tank mixed with Heritage to target Fusarium Patch on his greens. “We sprayed in September when we had early signs of Fusarium Patch and achieved excellent control of the disease,” commented Duncan. “There was very quick recovery of the affected turf and the disease did not reappear.”

Anthracnose was the target disease for Worsley Marriott Golf Club course manager Will Righton. He said: “Anthracnose has been a serious problem at this course for the last few years. In 2006, in addition to our normal treatments, we used Banner MAXX as part of the user trial programme. After application we had good efficacy on Anthracnose with quick control of the disease, plus quick recovery of the turf. We also noticed that trial areas were kept free of Fusarium Patch when other areas around the treated area started to be infected.”

Banner MAXX, will be available from Spring 2007.

New Acuspray brings accurate spray application to all
The new low-cost version of the Acuspray from Techneat Engineering incorporates many features of the popular Acuspray Pro, but without the trigger on-off spray mechanism; operators lower the front wheels to operate the direct positive displacement pump and start spraying.

“The Acuspray Pro has won plaudits from many professional turf managers for more accurate application of pesticides, liquid feeds and fertilisers,” reports Tom Neat. “The Acuspray will enable more lawn care professionals, gardeners and turf managers improve their spraying techniques, at even lower cost.”

The Acuspray benefits from the company’s renowned robust sprayer construction, utilising the latest modern plastics to combine easily maneuverable light weight, with incredible strength. The Acuspray costs just £395, direct from Techneat Engineering.

The Acuspray is fitted with a 25-litre precision moulded tank and one-metre spray boom, capable of covering 625m2 per fill – approx two tennis courts or up to a half of a bowling green. The boom is protected by a strong colour-coordinated aerofoil moulding.

The secret to Tillers Turf’s continental success
Tillers specialises in growing premium quality turf for golf courses at its nurseries near Lincoln and has an unrivalled reputation throughout the UK and Europe. They grow up to four million square metres of turf at any one time, so customers are guaranteed a consistent standard throughout the year.

Its rootzone turf for greens is grown on 100% USGA sand and sown with 50/50 bent and fescue, giving a predominately bent grass sward at maturity. It’s grown for a minimum of a year and during that time, it’s mown at 6mm and top-dressed with USGA sand. Creeping bent turf is also available, sown with a 50/50 blend of Penn G-2 and G-6 for fast, true putting surfaces.

Launched this year and proving a popular choice is 100% fescue turf, grown on very sandy topsoil, almost like dune sand, it’s ideal for links courses. Tillers also offer fine, hard wearing turf for tees with or without ryegrass. Using only the best cultivars, it’s grown on a sandy topsoil to allow free drainage of rain and irrigation water into the rootzone below.

Tillers is one of just four growers in the UK currently producing RTF (Rhizomatous Tall Fescue) turf. It’s hard wearing and has the ability to thrive under adverse conditions. Ideal for bunker banks and paths, it can send its roots down to 1.5m.

The company offers a high quality laying service, with optional laser grading for tees prior to turfing. Turf can be supplied in both large and small rolls. For more information about the company, please visit

Top-listing star seed from Top Green and Rigby Taylor
Leading French grass seed breeder, Top Green, introduces Greenvie, a strong creeping red fescue – ranked number one on the STRI list. Ideal for golf tees and fairways, this seed is now exclusively distributed to greenkeepers throughout the UK by specialist seed agent Rigby Taylor, through their dedicated Mascot range.
“Greenvie’s density makes it ideal for all fine turf sports applications,” says Stephen Alderton, marketing manager for Top Green.

For shady areas, and situations where renovation is required, Rigby Taylor’s Mascot R116 is making dramatic improvements to course conditions, especially on highly stressed greens. Containing specially developed perennial ryegrass cultivars Greenway, Greenflash and Greenfair, great results have been achieved at the public golf course Garon Park in Essex, where it has dramatically improved wear tolerance in greens over the winter period.

At the Three Rivers Golf and Country Club in Essex overseeding has produced good playing conditions on two particularly shady greens.

Mascot mixes to cater for all conditions are available – from the colder north to the warmer south – or bespoke mixes can be prepared.

The Rigby Taylor 2007 Mascot Grass Seed range is available in newly designed 10 kg and 20kg bags, offering the user one of the largest choices of high quality cultivars and mixtures available in the UK.

New Toro GDC Controller
Toro Irrigation believes a highly-innovative Golf Decoder Controller (GDC) system it launched at this year’s BTME is set to revolutionise golf course irrigation design and management.

Described as the most powerful decoder system available for golf course irrigation, GDC uses proven technology from the worlds of aerospace and aviation to provide what the company claims is the most flexible, easy-to-install and simple-to-use irrigation controller ever seen. It will benefit everyone, they say, from golf course designers and irrigation consultants to installers and greenkeepers.

At the heart of the new control system is its ability to operate many more sprinkler stations (up to 800 per cable path, and with up to 50 stations operating simultaneously) off only a single, 2 x 2.5mm² cable. This ensures, in most cases in the UK and Ireland, the need for only one or two cable paths per course.

This removes the need to calculate and design specific cable zones which were previously limited by the number of sprinkler stations that could be operated off one cable path (up to 112, with only 10 stations operating at the same time); which meant numerous cable paths with the design. GDC also makes installation easier and more cost effective.

Two different GDC systems are available – a stand-alone version which accommodates up to 200 stations and features a new easy-to-use programming interface; and a PC-based system using Toro’s proven SitePro central control that can work with up to 3,200 stations.

The new GDC decoders can be installed as far away as 4,500m from the stand-alone unit or central controller. Key to the system are innovative, low-power DC latching solenoids on both the sprinkler heads and solenoid valves, which are controlled by AC-powered decoders. Because the solenoids are opened by a quick, low-voltage DC pulse, there is significantly less current draw created, with no ‘holding’ voltage required to keep the solenoid open. Therefore up to 50 stations can be opened simultaneously, allowing greenkeepers to create and run more efficient irrigation programmes, water more precisely and reduce watering windows significantly.

Simon Squires, irrigation area manager, Northern Europe, The Toro Company, says, “One of the fundamental benefits of the GDC system is its great flexibility. Golf course designers are now free to be more creative with their designs than ever before – because they don’t have to worry about the more-traditional limitations of irrigation systems. So now courses can be as challenging and stunning as their creators want. For irrigation designers, voltage drop and cable sizing constraints are a thing of the past, as the electrical aspect of the design could not be simpler now.”

The added flexibility provided by GDC’s modular construction also makes it ideal for future system development. So, say, when courses need to renovate or lengthen holes to match advances in golf technology, the system can be easily expanded to improve control capability and sprinkler capacity.

Three golf courses in Britain where installations using the SitePro GDC are already well underway are at Castle Stuart Golf Links, near Inverness, which is a new construction comprising two 18-hole courses; Royal Dornoch, also near Inverness, the established Championship links course; and at Stoke-by-Nayland Golf Club, near Colchester, for its two 18-hole parkland courses.

All three courses have very different types of terrain – new links, old links and parkland – demonstrating just how flexible GDC is in meeting the varying needs of golf course environments of whatever type or location.

Commenting on his new system being completed at Royal Dornoch, course manager Eion Riddell says, “I’m looking forward to having such a flexible watering system at my fingertips. It will really improve our water management and give us the ability to irrigate exactly when and where we need to. And because the new decoder controller can be at some distance from the sprinklers, we have been able to design the course irrigation for optimum effectiveness, without being constrained by the limits of the system.”

Quick And True TurfWorks Vibro Rollers
TurfWorks Vibro Rollers have been used with great success at many high profile courses, within Europe this year. With just one pass across the green the speed is increased substantially this is something that most Greenkeepers throughout Europe strive for!

The TurfWorks system is unique in the fact it works of two rollers not just one, this eliminates the risk of bow wave effect by pushing the turf and also removing the risk of causing a corrugation effect by single rollers just jumping the greens if conditions are not perfect. The desired vibration level created by the TurfWorks system has been created to speed up and true up the greens to remove the bobble on the green when the golf ball rolls over it.

Simon Gumbrill commenting on the TurfWorks system said, “It would be to easy to speed up the green by just heavy rolling or single drum beating which can cause other surface issues that is all to common. TurfWorks irons the green quicker than a greens triple can mow!”

The TurfWorks Vibro Roller have been used to prepare the greens at Royal Liverpool for the Open, The Belfry for the Masters Tournament, the Scandinavian Canon Pro Series at Miklagard Golf Club and many other prestigious events, but more importantly at club level for the special competitions in the golf clubs diary or daily use for the ultimate consistent greens.

The TurfWorks units are a money saving system, as it is also a cassette system with the ability to brush, groom, scarify or light aeration tasks. The precision build and accuracy of the TurfWorks system is obvious on first viewing, this same precision and accuracy is the target for the entire forward thinking golf courses, Greenkeepers and Managers.

Vitax Dispatch Rising Water Costs
Vitax introduce the DISPATCH application kit, a liquid surfactant, which comes with its own injection pump specifically designed for irrigation systems. Formulated by Aquatrols and available in America for a number of years, DISPATCH has proved its worth by saving up to 30% on water bills.

“Application via an irrigation system minimises run-off and the product goes where it’s needed most,” says Clive Williams, commercial manager for Vitax. “It also means that automatic watering is more effective, which will save money on water bills.”

The injection pump, which is provided with all necessary connectors and easily installed by the customer’s irrigation engineer, ensures that the surfactant/water solution is always applied at the correct strength and is neither diluted nor capable of scorch. An application rate of 0.9 of a litre per hectare means that DISPATCH is economical to use as well as an important water/ money saving tool.

“Initially we will be selling a package including an injection pump and a tank of DISPATCH, and reckon that customers will still save money in their first year,” continues Williams.  “The fact that the strength of the water/surfactant solution is constant at all times ensures the efficacy of the product and will give Turf Managers peace of mind.”

New Products from Wiedenmann
Wiedenmann (UK) Ltd – part of the Fairways Group of family-run businesses based at Inchinnan, Renfrewshire – was founded in 1991 and is the sole UK importer of grounds maintenance machinery manufactured by Wiedenmann GmbH based in Rammingen, Germany.

The industry’s most innovative manufacturer of deep aerators launched three new products including the Terra Spike i-Series, yet another leap forward in this sector to be welcomed by grounds care professionals everywhere.

The company stated that these new products are as important as the launch of the ground-breaking XF range just over two years ago. The XF revolutionised the thinking that deep aeration was a slow, ponderous job and it certainly caused a stir with rival manufacturers.

Now the i-Series builds on the technology developed for the XF and takes it a step further and the new GXi is a compact fine turf aerator incorporating Wiedenmann’s revolutionary ATC technology, enabling it to work considerably faster than competitor machines without compromising quality. It’s the ideal machine for golf greens and quality fine turf areas.

Yamaha’s first new golf car since 1995
Yamaha choose the event to introduce its first all-new golf car since 1995. The new car, called The Drive, is aimed to be fun to drive – crafted to challenging specifications but also designed to bring a smile to the driver’s face. To highlight the features of its new vehicle, the company has created a website at that lists “57 reasons why this is the best golf car ever built.” Among the features highlighted are Tru-Trak II, a fully independent front suspension; the ClimaGuard top with dual rain gutters; heavier bumpers rated for five-mile-per-hour impact; maintenance-free ATV-style clutch; and lighter weight.

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