Vienna this year was the home of the annual FEGGA Conference and some 26 National Greenkeeper Associations took time out to attend and participate. The Conference was also attended by many of FEGGA’s Patron Members and Allied Associations, ensuring a great set of ingredients that resulted in a very successful event. In total there were 97 delegates representing 48 professional organisations.
Following on from FEGGA’s commitment to work closer the new developing markets, it was rewarding to have so many of these countries attending, such as Hungary, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Russia and Serbia. This was a tremendous value to all our discussions and the group work in particular that took place.
The Conference challenged its delegates with an array of current and ongoing initiatives that FEGGA and its Members are currently working with, these ranging from Managing your Association, education, environment, data collection and Water.
FEGGA also held its official Annual General meeting where three new Associations joined. Slovakia, Hungary and Serbia all were approved as Members and now will become an integral part of the membership of the Federation. This now takes FEGGA Membership up to 25 Country Members.
FEGGA also currently has 30 Patron Members, representing a very wide spread of organisations throughout the industry. FEGGA shares a very close relationship with all these organisations and in doing so can be acknowledged as being a truly representative voice within the turf industry in Europe and beyond.
FEGGA would like to acknowledge the support of it Conference Patrons for the significant event, Toro, Ransomes Jacobsen, John Deere, Syngenta and Campey