There will also be major change in the format of the Summit in that it will be positioned as what Mike Sebastian describes as ‘golf’s first ever Town Hall Debate’.
It is the belief of the Asia Pacific Golf Group, the owner and producer of the Summit that the time has come for golf course owners and operators to take centre-stage and provide their take and perspective on what is actually happening to the golf industry in Asia as seen through their eyes.
“There will be fewer speakers talking at the audience,” said Mike Sebastian. “Rather there will be 60 or 90 minute sessions with a skilled moderator and two or three topic experts. The experience for delegates will be more participatory and therefore more interesting and exciting.
“The Town Hall Debate format is designed to get general managers, golfing managers and other management personnel from Asian golf clubs to become proactive and to act as a powerful and cohesive group to shift the club industry into a high gear going forward!
“The Town Hall Debate will be all about interactivity which in today’s world is the only way to address issues. It’s the sharing of ideas amongst like-minded people that will open up minds and make way for innovation and change for the better!”
Asia Pacific Golf Summit
Orchid Country Club
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