This has to all change because the model that the majority of golf clubs in Asia operate on is one that is totally dependent on rounds played and the revenue generated.
The 2017 Asia Pacific Golf Summit (APGS 2017) will be bringing the industry together to chart our future destinies. “We no longer can afford to fly by the seat of our pants because today’s business environment will not tolerate nothing less than a very robust business model. No longer can we continue to rely on the time-tested business practices of decades gone by,” said Mike Sebastian, chief executive officer of the Asia Pacific Golf Group, the owners and producer of APGS 2017.
He went on to add: “We need to seek New Directions as it relates to how we position our products and services; how we reach new audiences; how we engage with younger demographics; how we attract women to golf; how we re-package golf into a more affordable, fun-filled and a less stuffy game.”
Golf Clubs also need to seriously explore new technologies and bring these technologies on board post-haste. The world has gone digital and virtually everything in life today is driven by Apps on smartphones. Just imagine the speed and efficiency and cost savings that are waiting to be had by going digital. In one fell swoop, you will rid your club of cumbersome procedures from a bygone era. Going digital and reenergizing the way you run your club is not something that you can afford to wait.
“The new age is here and it is yelling out to you to get on track and push forward a dynamic business model that will transform your business into a vibrant operation that is in lock-step with today’s fast-paced world that seeks instant gratification!” Sebastian emphasised.
“The 2017 Asia Pacific Golf Summit has been programmed to help interested parties understand how best they can weather the seismic changes affecting our industry and how they can effectively harness and engage with new ways to grow their respective businesses going forward. Remember, the destiny of our industry is in our hands.
“Unless we resolve to come together and jointly create changes that will appeal to our constantly changing marketplace, very little can be done to help accelerate any growth. We urge all of you to walk down the right path to make golf in Asia truly vibrant, exciting and financially viable. NEW DIRECTIONS – The Way Forward!
“Meantime, all preparations for APGS are well underway and all indications points to a truly successful Summit. If you have not made plans to attend APGS 2017, you still have time and we are ready to be of service.”
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