Golf & Country Club Blumisberg, Switzerland, is undergoing a massive investment over several years to upgrade the 50 year old course. A step by step approach to the renovations was decided upon by the private members club to minimise the impact of play disruption and spread the financial cost over a number of years.
Peter Harradine of Harradine Golf has designed and supervised the alterations and upgrade of the course since work commenced in 2008. Harradine has achieved in highlighting the amazing potential of this beautifully located and established course close to his birth place and capital city ofBerne.
Initially a water storage facility was constructed along with a new Green complex on Hole 13 and a complete new 5th Hole. Natural water features were added to Holes 6 & 7 designed to provide area for the establishment and encouragement of local flora and fauna. A state of the art Rain Bird irrigation system has been installed by Perrottet & Pillar to effetely maximise water resources which includes Fairway as well as theTeesand Greens irrigation. Numerous Tees have been reconstructed to the highest modern standards in line with playability requirements.
To complete the investment currently all bunkers are under renovation and the work will be completed in 2012 taking the course up to and above the expectations of the members. The laying of the fescue turf supplied by Tillers Turf on bunker faces is in order to minimise inputs and add to the aesthetic concept of the bunkers. Quartz sand was specified over the previously used lake sand to improve the playing characteristics of the bunkers and was supplied by Quarzsand & Sportbodenprodukte.
Golf & Country Club Blumisberg www.golf-blumisberg.ch
Harradine Golf www.harradine-golf.com