Only four years ago Clacton-on-Sea Golf Club didn’t own a single Toro machine; now their shed is 90 percent red and, thanks to the club’s recent renewal agreement with Toro, this figure is sure to increase.
The club switched to Toro when previous competitor brand machines needed replacing in 2012. Course manager Alan Smith says: “We chose Toro machines because everything about them is better: the quality of cut, longevity and reliability.”
He goes on to say: “The only reason we didn’t use Toro before was because there were no representatives in our area, we’d never even seen a Toro machine! But now we have Richard Freeman who is brilliant and really helpful.”
Alan can always rely on Toro distributor Reesink Turfcare, and Reesink contact Richard, for support. He says: “People are there the moment anything goes wrong, but with Toro that barely ever happens.”
Those at Clacton have been so impressed with Toro, they decided to welcome four more machines to the club this year: the Toro Groundsmaster 4000-D, the Reelmaster 3100-D, the Reelmaster 3575-D, and the Greensmaster 3420.
Alan says: “Going to a demo really helped us decide which machines to invest in. I went with my team of four who all got a chance to try out machines; this was great because I really value their opinions. When I saw the Reelmaster 3575, I was so impressed I ordered one straightaway!”
Another favourite is the Greensmaster 3420. Alan says: “The Greensmaster 3420 is excellent; it produces a superb cut which is made even sharper by the brush we added to the machine. This results in a lovely putt on a beautiful green.” It is thanks to the performance and durability of Toro that Alan says: “One day we hope to have a 100 percent Toro shed!”
All eyes will be on Clacton-on-Sea Golf Club in July 2017 when it hosts a series of golf competitions to celebrate its 125th anniversary. And with Toro on hand Alan can feel confident that the course, which is considered one of the best in Essex, will look better than ever.
Reesink Turfcare is the exclusive distributor in the UK and Ireland for Toro professional turfcare machinery and irrigation products for the golf, sport and amenity sectors. It is based at 1 Station Road, St Neots PE19 1QH. Call 01480 226800, email info@reesinkturfcare.co.uk or visit reesinkturfcare.co.uk
Clacton-on-Sea Golf Club www.clactongolfclub.com