Global Edition

Thirty years of Diamond Golf

8.04am 21st October 2008 - Corporate

Diamond Golf celebrates its 30 years of service to the golf industry with the legendary clubmaker Tom Wishon giving an exclusive seminar in the UK. In addition Diamond Golf will host an evening reception for all delegates and industry guests to celebrate the occasion.

The date has been set for 28th October 2008 and the event will take place at the fabulous, new Golf Addiction indoor golf facility at Brighton Marina. The full day seminar will provide advance training and discussion on a range of clubfitting topics, which include shaft profiling, MOI matching, club counter-weighting, and the critical elements of club fitting.

Tom Wishon said, “I am very excited to be presenting this seminar to the professional clubmakers from the UK and Europe – organised by Diamond Golf International, the European distributor of Wishon products.

“So much innovation within the history of golf has come from the UK and it will be great to meet up with fellow clubmakers in Brighton. In the seminar I will be sharing my knowledge of clubfitting and a range of instructional tips to improve the understanding of everyone attending.”

Tom Wishon will also be visiting the PGA’s training academy at The Belfry where they use his book ‘Search for the Perfect Golf Club‘ to teach trainee professionals the fundamentals of clubfitting.

Tom will arrive on 27th October for the first leg of his European Tour. After his visit to Brighton he will be conducted clubfitting seminars for PGA members in Germany and Sweden. Wishon will also be in Harrogate, Yorkshire, where he will address, as a keynote speaker, PGA members at the TGI and Foremost/Alliance conferences from 2-7 November.

Daren Treacy, managing director of Diamond Golf International, said, “Tom is a major player in the world of clubmaking. The fact that he will be sharing some of his knowledge will make this a must-attend for any clubmaker in the UK and Europe.”

Tom Wishon is widely recognised as one of the world’s leading authorities on club head design and clubfitting techniques. He has written literally hundreds of technical articles for golf and clubmaking publications around the world (Golf Digest, GOLF, GolfWeek, Golf World, Clubmaker magazine, Clubmaker Digest, Professional Clubmakers‘ Society Journal to name a few) and has authored eight books on clubmaking, shaft fitting and research, and custom clubfitting.

Very notable in Wishon’s career is the fact that he is credited with more than 50 golf industry design technology firsts and is still the only designer from the custom clubmaking industry to have created models which have been used to win on the PGA Tour and in Ryder Cup competition.

The seminar has been approved for attending PGA members to receive 25 CPD points. The CPD programme plays a vital role for all members in their quest to keep learning. Both Diamond Golf and Tom Wishon Golf Technology are pleased to be able to play a small role in the evolution of members’ knowledge and understanding of clubfitting.

As part of the evening entertainment, Diamond Golf will be raising money for The Golf Foundation. Daren Treacy said, “The Golf Foundation is a truly remarkable charitable organisation, which seeks to involve and develop children of all ages with the great game of golf. I have been privileged to witness, first hand, the excellent work they do. It will be great for us to help spread a little more awareness of the Foundation’s work, while at the same time generate more funds to help more children.”

Brian Barnes, a British golfing legend, will answer questions as part of the evening’s entertainment. Brian has a long list of achievements in golf. As well as enjoying a successful Ryder Cup partnership with Bernard Gallacher, Barnes will be most notably remembered for beating Jack Nicklaus twice in one day at the 1975 matches in Laurel Valley.

If you would like to attend this event please contact Diamond Golf International on 01903 726999 or email

Diamond Golf International
Tom Wishon Golf Technology

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