Global Edition

Sigma Golf is SMT Golf International Master Distributor

12.16am 14th March 2008 - Corporate

SMT Golf has finalized the arrangements with the leading golf club and golf club component supplier in the UK. Sigma Golf has become SMT Golf’s newest and largest International Master Distributor since SMT Golf was created in 2002.

SMT Golf has been working quite closely with Andrew Bolton of Sigma Golf to iron out all of the last minute details and arrangements, and through all the hard work that Andrew has put into this project, we are proud to say that SMT products are now being set up in leading golf shops and golf courses across the UK.

SMT Golf owner and clubhead designer Mike Tait had this to say about their newest Master Distributorship formed with Sigma Golf. “I had first heard of Sigma Golf through Shaun at Midas Golf. It wasn’t too long after that Andrew and I finally got together by email and after hearing Andrew’s excitement and complete dedication to the golf industry, his customer base and Sigma Golf, I just knew that this was going to be something really quite special!”

Tait went on to say, “In the 30 years that I have been in this industry, I can probably count on both hands the number of people that really get it. Andrew’s energy level each time we talk is both contagious and enlightening. Sigma’s vision for the golf industry is an exact parallel of my own and it is going to be an absolute pleasure to be able to bring the same high level of SMT customer service to golfers in the UK through Sigma Golf and Andrew that we are able to provide our golfers here in the States.”

Tait concluded, “Certainly there is plenty of competition out there for the golfer’s hard earned money, SMT has quietly, but not so slowly, been building the absolute best story in the game of golf since sheep were keeping the grass short in Scotland’s fairways. We have achieved more than any other component company in the history of the game, have done so in 10 different countries and on 4 different continents and unlike today’s tradition, we have done it without paying anyone to use the product. We do not now, nor do we ever plan on having a single player on the payroll to use our equipment. There is a huge story in there for those that are paying attention, and one that helps our customers and now Sigma Golf’s customers to sell the SMT brand with total confidence.”

Sigma Golf
SMT Golf

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