Global Edition

Mystery Shopping Service Looking For Testers

2.40pm 22nd November 2019 - Corporate - This story was updated on Monday, November 25th, 2019

Mike Kelly, Managing Partner and Operations Manager for USA

59club has enhanced its rapidly accelerating global footprint with more regional managers across the UK & Europe, plus the opening of dedicated local offices covering Asia, Middle East & Africa, and most recently the United States.

As a result, growth in all cases signifies additional mystery shopping opportunities for potential testers to enjoy. As well as the advantages that new local presence brings, 59club’s expansion across golf, leisure, spa, food and beverage and hotel industries means mystery shopping has a whole lot more to offer.

Golf enthusiasts, spa day seekers, food lovers and hotel aficionados can take advantage of these new opportunities at venues worldwide. 59club will reimburse related onsite expenses in return for detailed feedback based on the testers’ experience.

The new 59club Mobile App recently launched, making tester reporting faster and easier than ever. Using the App, testers can complete most on-site reporting with the ability to capture and upload photos.

Mystery Shopping opportunities are available worldwide:

59Club USA

Please view 59club’s Premium Entry in The GOOD Directory

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