Global Edition

Membership changes at European Institute of Golf Course Architects

12.18pm 23rd August 2017 - Corporate

EIGCA members do not sit back and rely on past glories. They look to the future and how to make themselves and their skills relevant to the environment they are facing. The EIGCA itself is no different.

The EIGCA Council has considered ways of future-proofing the Institute’s membership structure to ensure it satisfies the demands and composition of the golf course design profession of the future. A number of options were put to members for vote at the 2017 AGM and the result is a streamlining of categories and changes to eligibility criteria which are believed will make membership of the EIGCA a more relevant and compelling proposition for those working in golf course design in Europe.

As from the EIGCA Annual General Meeting of 23 March 2017, the membership categories are:

Member MEIGCA – a golf course architect practising to the highest standard with a wide experience of all aspects relating to golf course architecture in Europe, including the design and supervision of construction of new courses, as well as the renovation or re-modelling of existing courses. A Fellow (FEIGCA) is a Member of the former BIGCA who has made a significant contribution to that Institute. No new Fellows will be granted.

Candidate for Membership (NEW GRADE) – a golf course architect with a limited range of experience in golf course design who is working towards gaining the requisite knowledge and experience to be a Member, or individuals who have successfully completed Part One of the EIGCA Vocational Qualification in Golf Course Design (EVQGCD). Individuals with a Certificate, Diploma or Degree recognised by EIGCA, or a range of experience in golf course design, may be elected by the EIGCA Council.

Student – individuals studying for the first stage of the EIGCA Vocational Qualification in Golf Course Design (VQGCD) (

Associate Member AEIGCA – this category will cease to exist in 2021.  No new Associate Memberships will be granted and all current Associate members have until the AGM in 2021 to obtain the requisite amount of experience and level of knowledge to become a Member.

It was agreed that the eligibility criteria did not reflect the current climate within the golf industry and the following changes have been made:

Evidence of work – previously, evidence of full and individual responsibility for the design and supervision of construction to completion of six golf courses in Europe was required.  EIGCA Council decided it is less common for individuals to have completed this amount of work and the applicant should provide the evidence which best demonstrates their range of ability and experience.  The emphasis is on the quality of work completed rather than the quantity of courses

ResidencyMembers, Candidates for Membership and Students can reside outside Europe but to join EIGCA they need to demonstrate a full understanding of golf course design and construction and will have experience of working in Europe.

The application process remains as before … once a completed application has been received by EIGCA, it is submitted to the Membership Committee for consideration. If the Committee decides the application can proceed, a representative from the Committee will visit two of the candidate’s projects. If subsequently recommended for membership, the candidate will be asked to attend an interview with the EIGCA Council with successful candidates invited to join the Institute at the EIGCA’s next AGM (held every Spring).

For further information on membership send an email to or enter information in to the online form ( Note: completed applications for membership must be received by the EIGCA Office by 30th September.

The European Institute of Golf Course Architects (EIGCA) represents Europe’s most qualified golf course architects. As a professional body, the EIGCA enhances the status of the golf course design profession, increases the opportunities for members to practice throughout the world and educates future golf course architects. The EIGCA has almost 100 Members spread throughout 25 countries.

The European Institute of Golf Course Architects (EIGCA)


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