As spring swiftly approaches – and with it, golfing high season – ensuring mowers are at the top of their game is vital, says Toro distributor Lely UK.
With cylinders being intrinsic to achieving a superior after-cut appearance on the golf course, Dan Dubas, sales and marketing for Toro Parts at Lely, highlights the importance of not only replacing your cylinders at the right time, but also in choosing genuine Toro parts.
“At this time of the year, with grass-cutting season nearly upon us, I highly recommend golf clubs inspect their mowers’ cylinders now rather than later, ensuring they’re up to the imminent challenge of frequent cutting,” Dan stresses.
“And for a genuinely better quality of cut that delivers the best possible after-cut appearance, insist on Toro,” he adds. “Fitting a genuine Toro cylinder, against an inferior ‘will-fit’ part, is the only guarantee clubs have when it comes to producing a consistently accurate cut right down to 2.5mm, with no risk of turf damage.”
Toro cylinders balance perfectly with genuine Toro bedknives, reduce the need for constant cylinder grinding and allow for more efficient mowing operation. They also produce the cleanest cut, which promotes a healthier turf and results in the best after-cut appearance possible.
Knowing whether cylinders are ready for a replacement is simple. The ‘paper test’, which involves running a strip of paper through the cutting unit, will indicate if you’re cutting to the best of your machine’s ability, explains Dan. “If it produces a clean cut, your cylinders are fine, if it’s anything less than perfect, it’s time to regrind or replace.”
With now being the ideal time to prepare for the season, Lely has introduced a 10 per cent discount on cylinders for Toro end users in the UK golf market, valid throughout February only.
Available in 5, 7, 8, 11 and 14-blade configurations to fit all cylinder mowers, including the Greensmaster and Reelmaster ranges, end users can take advantage of the cylinder promotion through their local genuine Toro parts dealer or service centre.
For more information on Toro’s cylinders, contact distributor Lely UK’s Toro Parts department on 01480 226870, email turfcare.parts.uk@lely.com or visit www.toro.com Books of testing paper for your cylinders can also be purchased through Lely UK Toro Parts.
Lely UK www.lelyturfcare.com
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