The successful Danish software company GolfBox A/S has signed new 3-year agreements with yet another European Golf Association. By signing the agreement with the Estonian Golf Association GolfBox A/S once again enhances its existing and extensive client list of European Golf Unions / Federations / Association, writes Frank Undall.
As a total “turn key solution” the new agreement with the Estonian Golf Association is unique. Both the Association and the individual clubs will use the software solution from GolfBox.
“We are extremely satisfied with this new agreement. We are especially satisfied as our software services are able to provide the Estonian Golf Association with a complete solution – in fact a total turn key installation”, says Christian Faergemann, CEO of GolfBox.
Faergemann adds that the agreement inEstoniaalready have created several interesting dialogs with other similar projects. He therefore expects the growth of GolfBox to escalate further and even more rapid in this particular area.
The installation, which has already been implemented inEstonia, includes all goodies from a central database of members for the Association and member system, EGA handicap solution, tournament module, to a tee time booking module for the individual golf clubs. The Estonian Golf Association joins GolfBox as a partner for this solution, and they play a key part in the individual setup.
The new agreement happens at a time where GolfBox A/S are closing their books for yet another record year. This has been the case for GolfBox every year since their launch in 2003 and CEO Christian Faergemann expect this growth to continue. In the season of 2011 the GolfBox software was responsible for over 10.5 million booked tee times. More than 25.000 tournaments was handled using the GolfBox solution.
Since launch in 2003 GolfBox A/S has become the largest supplier of administrative software to golf clubs inScandinavia. The software from GolfBox is the golf industry answer to “The Office Suite”, and the software is unique because it is 100% Internet based. This independence of platform has given the organization a significant technical advantage on a global scale.
More than 900 golf clubs and several golfunions, such as The Danish Golf Union, Norwegian and Swedish Golf Federations, European Golf Association, Scottish Golf Union and Golf Union of Wales today use GolfBox or parts of the software. GolfBox have previously been consecutively awarded as a “Gazelle” company by Danish financial magazine Børsen and nominated to “Entrepreneur Of The Year” in the “Start up” category by Ernst & Young. Latest GolfBox was given the award “Owner Leader 2010” by PWC. GolfBox anticipates their international growth to continue in the years to come.