Foremost Golf has bucked the economic trend by announcing significant sales increases in eight out of eleven key product categories during the first half of 2014.
At a time when many golf retailers are struggling to stand still Foremost has seen sales of men’s shirts soar by 16.1% during the first half of 2014 while other increases have also been recorded in the electric trolley (+15.5%), iron (+8.9%), wedge (+8.3%), outerwear (+8.2%), glove (+4.8%), ball (+2.7%) and bag (+2.5%) categories.
Significantly Foremost also enjoyed a large increase in market share with the group out-performing other on-course retailers in ten out of the eleven categories and off-course retailers in nine out of the same eleven categories.
Independent figures produced by Datatech show that Foremost has been able to grow sales in three key categories in which both the off-course retailers and the group’s on-course competitors have seen sales fall. These include the important iron market in which Foremost’s 8.9% sales increase compares to a 2.25% loss made by all on-course retailers and a more substantial 12.77% loss registered by off-course retailers.
The trend is also the same in the hugely competitive ball market in which Foremost’s 2.7% sales increase compare favourably to a loss of 0.13% made by all on-course retailers and a more significant 9.11% loss recorded by off-course retailers.
Foremost Golf continues to take market share away from the off-course retailers who have seen sales fall in nine out of the eleven key product categories during the first half of 2014. On-course retailers as a whole have seen sales rise in seven out of eleven categories but those figures are skewed by the fact they include sales achieved by Foremost members.
“We are delighted to announce a strong set of sales figures for the first half of 2014,” said Foremost Company Director, Andy Martin. “Market conditions have not been easy but we can boast sales increases in eight out of the eleven key product categories and are clearly out-performing our competitors in the majority of those areas as well.”
Martin believes Foremost’s solid performance is down to the sophisticated support network the group provides for members. That support system includes its increasingly popular Elite Marketing Programme, its in-house Campaign team who help members with everything from inventory management to local marketing and its Business Development Consultants who travel around the country helping Foremost members to identify opportunities to strengthen their businesses.
“The performance is the result of a considerable amount of hard work put in to consolidate the year-on-year growth we achieved in 2012-13,” he said.
“This recent set of sales figures is no flash in the pan because we have steadily been building our market share over the last couple of years.
“We expect market conditions to remain challenging for the foreseeable future but believe we can provide members with the sophisticated in-house and marketing support they need to continue to buck the trend.
“This is not the time to rest on our laurels,” he added. “We must continue to refine our systems and to provide our members with the personal service they need to thrive in what is a constantly changing and challenging retail environment.”
Golf professionals can get more information about Foremost by contacting Matt Lacey on 01753 218896 or email matthew.lacey@foremostgolf.com