ClearWater, the number one UK manufactured washdown water recycling system, is continuing to open up new markets with most recent export deliveries to California and The Netherlands.
Riding high on the success of UK sales in 2017, Acumen Waste Services Ltd. has supported marketing initiatives for the brand which are bearing fruit, not only at home but abroad too. ClearWater, already with two distributors in mainland Europe, covering Germany, Switzerland, Austria and France, is keen to develop this market. The sale of the first system recently in The Netherlands exemplifies this commitment.

On the opposite side of the Atlantic, and in the important USA market, a system has also recently been installed at Napa Valley Country Club in California. Golf Course Superintendent, Sean Battistini was most impressed with the system when the work was finished. Putting ClearWater through its paces himself and checking operation and maintenance, he stated: “I’m as happy as a clam!” He went on to say that the running costs would be considerably cheaper than the competition. He also remarked that ClearWater was so quiet compared to listening to the noisy motors and compressors of other systems.
Both clubs saw water saving by recycling a huge plus point but, aware of their environmental responsibilities, wanted to prevent pollution too. *
ClearWater, unlike most recycling systems, has unique selling points that appeal to many:
- The system is installed safely below ground, assuring a low operating temperature. This ensures better performance from micro-organisms and is well below threshold for harmful bacteria such as Legionella to form. It is totally unobtrusive too and silent in operation.
- ClearWater’s engineering is simple, keeping maintenance and operating costs to a minimum. Water flow into the system is by gravity through filtration. The system has only two moving parts (water pumps and a small compressor) so there is less to go wrong. Both items, fitted with push-fit connectors, are easily replaceable by clients on site within minutes!
- Probably ClearWater’s big selling point: The system can be self-installed (by customers or their local groundworks people) and is supplied with easy to follow Installation Instructions. Self-install has been the key to export growth for ClearWater.
ClearWater is exhibiting at GIS 2018 (Booth # 26120) and BTME 2018 (Stand C12) and the team look forward to meeting those interested in a simple, cost efficient, and very effective recycling wash system!
Top picture shows a first class ClearWater installation at Napa Valley Country Club USA
* In the UK, The Groundwater Regulations are the legal driving force and the EU Water framework Directive covers all of Europe. In the USA the EPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency) is the body concerned with pollution prevention and the CWA (Clean Water Act) is the relevant piece of legislation. The CWA prohibits the discharge of oil or hazardous substances to waters of the U.S. The same applies throughout Europe: it is forbidden to discharge hydrocarbons (oil, etc.) into the groundwater.
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