Previously national sales manager of Caledonian Golf Group Ken’s promotion to sales director will give him additional responsibilities and opportunities within the company. His primary role will be to oversee the team of ten sales representatives throughout the UK, providing them with training and strategic support as well as monitoring product performance and sales.
Ken is assisted in his new role with the implementation of two regional sales managers – Ian Dennison and Scott Doyle, both long serving employees of the company. Ian will remain as sales representative for south London, easy Sussex, Surrey and Kent but will also control the team of four working in the south of England. Scott will continue his role as sales representative for the north west of England and will manage the north east of England, Midlands and Scotland.
Michael Lunn, Chairman of Caledonian Golf Group, commented, “The outstanding performance of the sales team has had a direct impact on the increase in sales across the company during our last financial year. These appointments recognise the success of all those concerned and respond to the developing sales need within the company.”
There are three new members of the sales team. Aggis Varnava and Scott Forbes have been appointed as sales representatives for the south of England, following the retirement of Peter Kite who worked for the company for over thirty years. They will serve close to 500 customers in areas including north London, Norfolk, Essex and Buckinghamshire. John Harrison has also joined the team and brings over none years golf trade experience. Previously a customer of the company, John managed the Graham Harrison pro shop at Hull golf course and will now be responsible for the north east of England.