Big savings on water management can be achieved with the latest Rain Bird weather station. By using the WS PRO LT weather station golf clubs can reduce their normal water costs – by up to 20 per cent.
Costing in the region of £3,600 – which includes wireless connection and solar panel – the WS PRO LT is less than half the price of some other systems. Where clubs are using mains water, either solely or as a back up, the expense can be considerable – which means the cost of this affordable weather station can soon be recouped.
“With new water laws it is vital that clubs show they are using water responsibly,” says Victor Jamieson, regional manager for northern Europe. “Coupling irrigation systems to a weather station does give far greater efficiency.”
Designed to be used with Rain Bird central control systems, the evapotranspiration (ET) rates are automatically downloaded from the environmental data supplied by the weather station. Stations measure air temperature, wind speed, solar radiation, wind direction, relative humidity, rainfall – and this latest weather station also records barometric pressure.
After taking into consideration any rainfall, the central control automatically calculates new station run times to apply only the amount of water lost through evaporation and transpiration.
With changing weather patterns greenkeepers will find the data reports that can be generated highly beneficial. These can record current and past weather conditions by the hour, day, week, month or year.
The WS PRO LT weather station from Rain Bird is already proving popular with clubs throughout the UK and has been installed at Ferndown Golf Club, Dorset, Temple Golf Cub, Berkshire and Trevose Golf and Country Club, Cornwall.
Rain Bird Europe